Saturday, December 30, 2023

All Aboard For 2024


Can you believe another year is in the books? Time marches relentlessly onward without asking for either our consent or approval. 2023 isn’t even cold yet and 2024 is already relentlessly marching for­ward. Nothing you and I can do will ever get that time back. With each passing day we creep closer towards time’s end. But, as always, with Jesus there is good news. * 2024 will bring with it days of defeat and satisfying success. * 2024 will bring with it both sadness and extraordinary joy. * 2024 will bring days of suffering bal­anced with days of healing. * 2024 will bring with it days of loss and others of enrichment. *For some 2024 will bring with it a day of finality.

But there will not be a single day in 2024 that you will have to encounter alone! We have One who can lift us up from de­feat, comfort us in sadness and sustain us through suffering. There is One who can truly place momentary loss into eternal perspective. And not to be forgotten, we have each other, charged with the duty of sharing in life’s highs and lows (Romans 12:12-15) and with bearing “one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).

While we are powerless to keep time from sifting through our lives like sand through our fingers, we can do something about how we spend it. While much time will fall wasted at the feet of humanity, as a follower of Christ you can use your time to God’s glory and time will ultimately deposit you in His timeless glory.

John Denver was an excellent aircraft pilot. He was trained well and experienced. When on his last flight gauges showed his fuel tank near empty, he started looking for a landing site, but none was seen. Investigators said that he had switched to a second, reserve, fuel tank, but it didn’t matter. The plane went down; John Denver died. And the reason that the spare fuel didn’t matter is a warning for all of us. For even with all his expertise, he still neglected during pre-flight to see if the reserve fuel tank was full or empty. The Christian, Peter said, needs to make sure that every part of one’s Christian life is nurtured and growing, in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, with “diligence.” Neglecting one part can have eternal consequences (2 Peter 1:5-11).

[Matthew 6:33] God and Christ must be first in our lives, and not second. Jesus says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteous­ness, and all these things (v. 25-32) shall be added to you.” Our number one priority in this short life must be to go to Heaven or otherwise we most likely will not go there. Jesus says, “No one, hav­ing put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). If one doesn’t go to Heaven, there is only one other place and that is the eternal torments of Hell. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul” (Mark 8:36).

We cannot put other people and other things ahead of our service and worship to God and Christ and still be pleasing to Them. They will not accept second best. Jesus says, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and fol­low after Me is not worthy of Me” (Mat­thew 10:37-38). Jesus says the only way we can be worthy of God and Him is, “…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). We are to “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). God is only “a rewarder of those who diligent­ly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6), by putting Him first. Are we really putting God and Christ first in our lives? Judgment Day will be too late to find out if we haven’t. It is my prayer you experience an enriched 2024.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Proclaiming The Truth


Financial, lawless manipulation, and sexual scandals among high-profile people in politics and the media don’t surprise us. We’ve heard so much about it that we’re sick of hearing it. What else can we expect from Godless people who lie for a living?

A few generations ago there was a clear line between what should be mentioned in public and what should be kept private. That line was blurred by Hollywood mov­ies in the mid-1900s. It was erased in the rebellion of the 1960s and 1970s. Now people don’t even have a concept of what is decent and what is shameful. The Bible says there are things too dis­gusting to mention. When Paul warned about having fellowship with the works of darkness, he added, “for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret” (Ephesians 5:12). Just because a thing is true doesn’t mean we should listen to every sordid detail about it. What angers God-fearing people is the lying and hypocrisy in those who make allegations and stir this news. There is a saying of Jesus that is often ripped out of context that does apply here: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7). The Lord did not mean a person has to be sinless before he can point out another person’s sin. He did not tell us to be silent about evil because we’re not perfect. What he told those Jewish men was that they had no right to condemn this woman of adultery because they were adulterers themselves! Politicians today are like those Jews in the Bible. They lie repeatedly and accuse their opponents of making false state­ments. They convey many charges of sexual misconduct while they themselves are adulterers and pedophiles. People like this have no conscience.

Are some allegations false? Of course, they are. The story of Joseph is a good example. Joseph worked for Potiphar who trusted him implicitly. When Potiphar’s wife kept making advances toward Jo­seph, he refused to betray his master and sin against God. This scornful Woman lied and accused Joseph of trying to seduce her (Genesis 39)! She brazenly accused an inno­cent man of the very thing she had done! Joseph was thrown into prison because of her lie. His reputation and future appeared to have been ruined by a vindictive wom­an. But there is more to the story. In time Joseph was released from prison and rose to a position of great prominence in Egypt, being second in power only to Pharaoh himself. His life in a strange land began in humiliation and ended in honor, but the woman who falsely accused him was forgotten.

[Acts 2:38-39] “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise (everlasting life) is to you and to your children, and to all who are a far off, as many as our Lord will call.’” Just as Paul needed the courage to stand on the pagan Mars Hill and proclaim Christ (Acts 17:16-34), we need to stand today as a rock in the sea of postmodernism, denominations, and paganism, and proclaim truth. Truth, by its very nature, draws a line in the sand; it excludes everything else. The truth offends, and to offend today is being viewed as the greatest sin. That is the real reason that the world hates us and why the proclaimers of tolerance are intolerant toward us. Jesus’ disciples were concerned with this. After Jesus proclaimed that it was what came out of a person’s mouth that made him unclean (Matthew 15:11), they said, “Do you know that the Pharisee’s were offended when they heard this?” Jesus preached the truth anyway, because the greater sin is to let the lost blissfully drift by while our hands never extend from the rock of truth to save them. Do you proclaim truth? Why not?

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Facts That Save!


Well, the Greatest Generation, (the “G.I.” Generation), born 1901-1927, has all but passed on to the great beyond and in a way I’m happy for them that they cannot see all they fought for is systematically being destroyed by tyrants they opposed all their life. The Silent Generation, born 1928-1945, stopped fighting - to go along, to get along. Sad!

Examining the situation of thought and the direction mankind is presently taking to govern one’s life “more rationally,” it’s obvious we are quickly advancing toward a precipice of total irrationality concerning natural law. Tipping the “laws of nature” to fit theories, yet to be proven even in the slightest amount, is a very dangerous endeavor threatening every living thing on the planet. Just one small example of the irrationality of CO2 confinement is contained in the future of food production. We are told that CO2 is bad for us and causes “climate change.” Ideal CO2 concentrations are about 5 parts per million in our atmosphere for proper photosynthesis and plant growth. Already the atmosphere has been depleted of CO2 to almost 3 parts per million and real scientists warn if it drops much lower natural growth will begin to die (trees, grass, food plants, flowers, etc.). Environmentalists tell us we won’t need farmland or fertilizers anymore because food plants are going to be hydroponically grown in huge warehouses with man- made nutrients and water feeding them to maturity. They also say the warehouse interiors will have to have an environment of about 6 parts per million CO2 for optimal growth of such plants. WHAT? So, as we strive to become zero carbon, CO2 emission free, consider the fact that we are slowly destroying the planet, not saving it. And might I remind you – the greatest carbon-based emission wanting to be eliminated, is YOU!

There are many so-called “myths” out in the religious world. Many people believe things that have been created by man, but no evidence can be found of this “myth” within scripture. Millions of people are going to be disappointed when it comes to the Day of Judgment, and they have placed so much faith in the words of man. Let’s discuss a couple of these “myths.” Many people believe that “just living a good life” is all that is required to get to heaven. “If I don’t steal anything major, stay faithful to my spouse, don’t kill anyone, or just generally try to be a good person, I will go to heaven,” is often the belief of many. But if “just being a good person” saves you, why then does the Bible teach differently. Take the case of Cornelius in Acts 10. Cornelius was described as upright, devout, prayerful, fearing God, giving generously to those in need, respected by all Jews. He would definitely be considered a “good” man. But even Cornelius was told that he had things he needed to do in order to be in obedience to God’s Word. “And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 10:48).

[Romans 6] Being a Christian involves more than just being a “good” person. Many other people believe just having a faith in God will save you and will get you the reward of Heaven. If faith only saves us, why then does the Bible teach us more has to be done? In James 2 we are given multiple accounts that we must have more than just faith to be saved. Faith is definitely important, but there is more to salvation than that alone. “So also, faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (James 2:17). If we are not in obedience to God’s Word (works), then our faith is worthless and dead. Our faith must drive us to obedience to God’s Word. Without that obedience we will not be found acceptable in God’s eyes. Don’t believe the words of man. Take the evidence from within the Bible and live your life accordance to those words. God save America! Save us all!

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Migratory Citizenship?


It’s that time of year when thousands of migratory birds are passing through on their way south to winter in Central and South America. Our small city has grown commercially since the late 90’s with fast food franchises, big box auto supplies, quick-mart fuel stops, restaurants, motels, retail stores, and food markets. And as brick and mortar go up the open spaces disappear, and a phenomenon has been experienced in a certain part of the city for the past two decades that can be scary the first time one sees it. An open grassy field before 2003 has now become a huge asphalt parking lot supporting a strip mall and grocery complex on one side and a fast food and gas station/quicky-mart on the other side with room for more buildings. Long story short, migrating birds have used this location, once an open field, as a rest stop for thousands of years and because of instinctive powers still do. The birds come in waves spending about two days each, then moving on. At its peak the parking lot will be black with birds, the few trees that were aesthetically left behind in the name of preserving nature, are filled with birds, the nearby powerlines are lined with birds, and one can hardly hear for all the chirping. Travel a single city block in any direction and one will notice the nearly total lack of birds. I guess the good thing about it all is the whole migratory thing is over within about six weeks but, of course, repeats in the spring.

One of the major controversies in our country is what to do about the many who are entering this country illegally. We do have laws in the books that tell how one can enter legally and become a citizen if one chooses. At the moment thousands are entering illegally with the help of the United Nations, the Red Cross, and treasonous politicians hell-bent on destroying the loyal, patriotic, freedom loving, law-abiding, capitalistic, middle-class that has made this country what it is today and is willing to defend their constitutional rights to be free. That statement will label me a domestic terrorist by the corrupt FBI. Our politicians seem to be totally perplexed by the invasion of people - they created! Some want to give them all amnesty and make them full citizens. Others want to “round ‘em up and head ‘em out” back to their own country. It seems most of the world hates where they live and the capitalistic U.S. but given the chance they flock here for the freebies. The problem is, they refuse to assimilate and want to change this free country into the dictatorship they just left. Stay home! But the invasion has a purpose – destroy our way of life! God save America!

[Matthew 23:13-35] This whole thing reminds me of those who want to go to heaven, but don’t want to follow the “rules” which Christ set down for becoming a “citizen” of His kingdom. Many prefer to make up their own “rules” for heavenly citizenship – thus they feel they can enjoy the benefits without fuss or bother. The scribes and Pharisees were like that, and Jesus called them hypocrites, serpents, blind guides, and murderers. One example of changing Jesus’ “rules” for heavenly citizenship is teaching that repeating the “sinners’ prayer” is all one needs to do to go to heaven. Neither Christ nor His apostles ever told anyone that that was what to do to be saved. Jesus stated that only those who do His Father’s will can enter the kingdom (Matthew 7:21). Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). If there are commandments (rules) for being a Christian, then we MUST follow those rules to be a true citizen. Those rules are found in the New Testament – not in some man’s notion or some decision made by a council or convention of delegates. Christ is King and has all authority (Matthew 28:18). He knows who a true citizen of His kingdom is. I would not count on amnesty on the day of Judgment! We don’t instinctively migrate to heaven; we work out our own salvation! (Philippians 2:12).

Saturday, December 02, 2023

The Dangerous Far Country


Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra (May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015) was a professional baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach. He played 19 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) (1946–1963, 1965), all but the last for the New York Yankees; an 18-time All-Star and won 10 World Series championships as a player - more than any other player in MLB history. “Yogi” is also remembered for his quirky quotes and nonsensical sayings. Among them are: “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you may not get there;” and “There are some people who, if they don’t already know, you can’t tell ‘em;” and “I’m not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.”

Adults who care about young people begin to encourage them at a young age to be diligent in their schoolwork, and to stick with their education through high school and even college. Education can help young people grow up to be more productive in their communities, get better jobs, and become better providers for their families. But I remember some of my classmates who quickly became bored or dissatisfied with schooling and decided that life had more to offer than classrooms, teachers, and administrators. They one day walked out of the school doors never to return… dropouts. This is sad because of the missed opportunities that likely resulted, and the problems that may have been caused by their lack of education. But as I bring to mind those who quit their worldly education, I realize how much more severe and detrimental it is when people, young and old, “dropout” of the Lord’s church. Sometimes young people begin attending church services upon the wishes of their parents, and later be added by the Lord to His body (Acts 2:38, 41, 47). But soon they are drawn by the world and turn away from the Lord and His children toward sinful living.

Consider the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. The son was oblivious to the riches he had at his very fingertips, and he longed to explore the “far country,” where the sinful pleasures of the world awaited him. But his eyes were opened by the harsh realities of worldly living. Then, devoid of food, friends, and family, he cast his mind back to his home where his loving father had loved and cared for him his entire young life. Maybe you have been yearning for the far country, or perhaps you are residing there now. I beg you to cast your mind back to the rock-solid reality of Christ’s love, and the inevitability of eternity in either heaven or hell. Don’t do the Lord any “favors” by going through the motions of Christianity, while your heart is in the “far country” (Matthew 15:8). If you have dropped out of the life you once lived for God, the door is still wide open, and the Father stands watching, waiting for your return (Luke 15:20).

[Luke 15:1-7] Once there was a boy lost in the woods. The alarm was sounded. The whole community responded. Fishermen abandoned their nets and merchants closed their shops. Plows were left in the field as everyone turned out to search for the little one. They moved in a feverish pace for the night would soon be getting darker and harm might befall the lad. After several hours of searching, he was found and with what joy was felt because of the rescue. Today he is no longer a lad, but he is lost again! Yet, sadly, none seem to care. No alarm has been sounded on his behalf. Many “family members” don’t even seem to care. Yet, a worse fate awaits him now. He is lost in sin! Does anyone care enough to help? The world needs to return to the Bible, the Word of God, for relief from the evils of sinful living. Rescue the perishing, snatch them from the fire (Jude 23-17).