Saturday, December 09, 2023

Migratory Citizenship?


It’s that time of year when thousands of migratory birds are passing through on their way south to winter in Central and South America. Our small city has grown commercially since the late 90’s with fast food franchises, big box auto supplies, quick-mart fuel stops, restaurants, motels, retail stores, and food markets. And as brick and mortar go up the open spaces disappear, and a phenomenon has been experienced in a certain part of the city for the past two decades that can be scary the first time one sees it. An open grassy field before 2003 has now become a huge asphalt parking lot supporting a strip mall and grocery complex on one side and a fast food and gas station/quicky-mart on the other side with room for more buildings. Long story short, migrating birds have used this location, once an open field, as a rest stop for thousands of years and because of instinctive powers still do. The birds come in waves spending about two days each, then moving on. At its peak the parking lot will be black with birds, the few trees that were aesthetically left behind in the name of preserving nature, are filled with birds, the nearby powerlines are lined with birds, and one can hardly hear for all the chirping. Travel a single city block in any direction and one will notice the nearly total lack of birds. I guess the good thing about it all is the whole migratory thing is over within about six weeks but, of course, repeats in the spring.

One of the major controversies in our country is what to do about the many who are entering this country illegally. We do have laws in the books that tell how one can enter legally and become a citizen if one chooses. At the moment thousands are entering illegally with the help of the United Nations, the Red Cross, and treasonous politicians hell-bent on destroying the loyal, patriotic, freedom loving, law-abiding, capitalistic, middle-class that has made this country what it is today and is willing to defend their constitutional rights to be free. That statement will label me a domestic terrorist by the corrupt FBI. Our politicians seem to be totally perplexed by the invasion of people - they created! Some want to give them all amnesty and make them full citizens. Others want to “round ‘em up and head ‘em out” back to their own country. It seems most of the world hates where they live and the capitalistic U.S. but given the chance they flock here for the freebies. The problem is, they refuse to assimilate and want to change this free country into the dictatorship they just left. Stay home! But the invasion has a purpose – destroy our way of life! God save America!

[Matthew 23:13-35] This whole thing reminds me of those who want to go to heaven, but don’t want to follow the “rules” which Christ set down for becoming a “citizen” of His kingdom. Many prefer to make up their own “rules” for heavenly citizenship – thus they feel they can enjoy the benefits without fuss or bother. The scribes and Pharisees were like that, and Jesus called them hypocrites, serpents, blind guides, and murderers. One example of changing Jesus’ “rules” for heavenly citizenship is teaching that repeating the “sinners’ prayer” is all one needs to do to go to heaven. Neither Christ nor His apostles ever told anyone that that was what to do to be saved. Jesus stated that only those who do His Father’s will can enter the kingdom (Matthew 7:21). Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). If there are commandments (rules) for being a Christian, then we MUST follow those rules to be a true citizen. Those rules are found in the New Testament – not in some man’s notion or some decision made by a council or convention of delegates. Christ is King and has all authority (Matthew 28:18). He knows who a true citizen of His kingdom is. I would not count on amnesty on the day of Judgment! We don’t instinctively migrate to heaven; we work out our own salvation! (Philippians 2:12).

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