I don’t know maybe it’s just me, but have you noticed the fact that the more we “get connected” the less we’re having to do with each other? What I mean is, it seems we’re having less and less personal contact with one another. I suppose you could say we’ve actually set ourselves up for this new way of dealing with each other. Because of frivolous lawsuits and a new sense of extreme paranoia since 9/11, nobody is willing to speak face to face or be helpful in any way except to offer a generic rehearsed answer or a simple “yes” or “no”. It’s seldom a telephone call to a place of business doesn’t connect you to an automated directory requiring the caller to input several numbers before actually speaking to a human being. It seems half the time none of the options meet my requirements bringing my search to a frustrating boil and pushing “0” then waiting for assistance. In most businesses and all government buildings, the workers therein are now securely separated from any outside intrusion by locked doors. You’re greeted by a lone soul at the entrance of the facility that is willing to direct you or announce your presence all the while being recorded on videotape by several cameras, which have already been tracking you from the parking lot. Malls and stores are closing because of or converting to Internet sales. I purchase on the Internet and in a lot of ways it’s easier. If this trend continues we may eventually evolve into a non-speaking species. Hmmm…
What if God had voice mail? “Thank-You for calling Heaven. I’m sorry, but all our Angles are busy helping other sinners right now. However, your prayer is important to us and we will answer it in the order it was received. Please stay on the line for the next available assistant.” When placed on hold, you can hear music and chanting in the earpiece. King David begins to sing one of your favorite Psalms only to be interrupted abruptly, “If you would like to speak to: GOD, press 1 now; JESUS, press 2 now; THE HOLY SPIRIT, press 3 now; To locate a LOVED ONE whom you believe has been assigned to HEAVEN, press 4 now, then enter their social security number followed by the pound sign; To select a favorite SONG or SCRIPTURE READING while waiting, press 5 now; For answers to NAGGING QUESTIONS you may have, such as the truth about dinosaurs, the age of the earth, life on other planets and the whereabouts of Noah’s Ark, please wait until your arrival to this facility. To repeat the MENU, press 6 now. Thank-You for your patience. Someone will be with you shortly.”
[Romans 15: 1-13] I’m thrilled that my God is big enough to not be a paranoid executive hiding behind closed doors. I have been baptized into Christ and the Spirit of God dwells within me, so I walk and talk with God daily and try, to “pray constantly” as instructed (1 Thessalonians 5: 17). That’s the way God wants our relationship to be. He also wants you and I to have that sort of relationship. In the beginning God saw it was not good for man to be alone. He needed to be, not with the animals of the world, but be with others like him. God says the same about those who love Him. God wants us to be together, encouraging one another, teaching and edifying. (v.5) Paul says God will even help us with a spirit of unity as we follow Christ Jesus. Why then are we not looking forward to assembling in His name? Why do we assemble in worship only when it’s convenient? God is personal. He answers His own phone. He’ll never put you on hold.
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