Sunday, March 20, 2005


Do you take a little break during the day? I think most of us do. The attention span of the average person on any one given task is about twenty minutes. So, when it gets right down to it we probably take several little breaks away from our daily routine just to overcome the monotony and renew our focus on the task at hand. Most companies allow a ten-minute break every two and a half hours or so, but I always found time to visit the water cooler or the restroom or engage myself in a short conversation before that. Lately I find myself playing a game on my computer in the early afternoon for about fifteen minutes just to stimulate my mind in a different direction. I liked a certain game so much I actually bought the full version, which fills the whole monitor screen. It’s not that I like the actual game so much, but it boosts my morale, pumping me up and getting me ready to get back to work for the rest of the day. How can a game do that you ask? Well, this particular game has a voice-over that praises and encourages the player as you play. When I really get on a roll, the voice-over begins cheering me on saying things like, “Good!” and “Excellent!” and “Incredible!!” I like the incredible one especially. I guess it’s about the same as saying, “Please” and “Thank-You” when you really want to get something done. The mind is stimulated into wanting to do the best it possibly can.
The value of courage, persistence and perseverance has rarely been illustrated more convincingly than in the life story of this man. He failed in business at age 22; Ran for State Legislature (defeated) at 23; Again failed in business at 24; Elected to Legislature at 25; Sweetheart died at age 26; Had a nervous breakdown at 27; Was defeated for Speaker of State House at 29; Defeated for Elector at 31; Defeated for Congress at 34; Then he was elected to Congress at age 37 only to be defeated again at age 39; He was defeated for Senate at age 46 and defeated for his run to the Vice Presidency of The United States at 47; Again he was defeated for Senate at 49, but was elected President of The United States at age 51. This is the personal, political and occupational resume of Abraham Lincoln. Can you imagine all the people in his life who must have been constantly encouraging him to overcome his disappointments and press on?
[Acts 14: 21-22] sojourn n a temporary stay. vi to stay for a short time. Sojourner n one who sojourns. The book of Acts (Acts Of The Apostles) is loaded with the travels of the Apostles and others as they sojourned for the Lord teaching and preaching the Gospel. In many cases they were revisiting certain places to encourage the brethren to remain true and overcome the problems they were experiencing. Because of their great work we can also benefit from the encouraging words they gave to the first century church. If we say we don’t have problems in the church today and we aren’t from time to time bored or discouraged in our work, we’re lying to ourselves. If we say we’re not tempted to sin against our brother with seeds of discouragement through our words or actions, the truth is not in us. (Hebrews 3: 12-14) The Hebrew writer tells us we must encourage one another every day to keep sin from creeping in and hardening our hearts. Take a break from the world! Study God’s Word. You’ll find encouraging words to help you overcome the trials of life. (Hebrews 12: 1-3) We are all sojourners on this earth, here for only a little while. Look to the goal and encourage someone to go with you.

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