When I attended school, the year never started until the day after Labor Day. The week prior was devoted to at least one day at the New York State Fair and attending the modified stockcar race on Labor Day. The same evening was spent at a different racetrack for another big race, capping off another summer. Today I have no desire to travel on holiday weekends. There are just too many people trying to get somewhere as fast as they can and then return home in the same manner. I’m still totally amazed at our abilities as human beings when it comes to how we function in the chaos we call driving. When you seriously think about it, nearly all operators of powered vehicles are quit skilled at performing the act of transporting themselves from one place to another, without incident, numerous times a day, day after day. Accidents occur but seldom due to equipment malfunction. The root cause of accidents is operator error, mainly due to distraction, or the brain has been artificially enhanced with a substance foreign to the body, which impairs judgment and the ability to make quick decisions. Unfortunately, people are making poor decisions as they rocket around in their personal entertainment center on wheels. What ever happened to plain vanilla basic $5000 transportation?
It might be a good thing that NASA has to stand down for a period. It seems, according to Slate.com, the space junk whizzing around the earth in low orbit is posing a traffic problem. Tracking all this junk is really getting to be a problem. On February 10, 2009 the first accident in space was recorded. A derelict Russian communications satellite, Cosmos 2251, ran into a working American one, owned by the company Iridium. The collision totaled both satellites adding 2,000 more trackable pieces of space junk to the already 19,000 plus pieces being tracked in an attempt to avoid such collisions. A warning to Iridium by the US Air Force that the satellites were about to pass in close proximity was ignored and; crash! Well, here’s an entrepreneur’s dream in the making, Space Junk Collection and Disposal. This is a rather serious situation. Ground controllers are very concerned that one day a chain reaction of collisions will send thousands of pieces of junk out of control crashing into good satellites, destroying our entertainment and ruining our day. Decisions, decisions; oh what to do, what to do.
[John 4: 20-24] The “religious world” today is much cluttered with different practices and ideals which can cause ripples of mixed feelings about how God should be worshipped. I grew up, and participated, in a “Christian” denomination embroidered with pomp and circumstance, including a copy-cat European cathedral type building to the personal identifying costume worn by worship leaders. I don’t remember learning much about souls being saved or a personal relationship with God himself, but I did come away with a reverence for the One who created the universe. I believe. I want it to be perfectly clear; I’m not looking to collide with anyone. When I was introduced to the simple concept of worshipping God in spirit and truth, supported by His Word only, I breathed a sigh of relief and felt I had arrived home. Are you making a personal decision of returning to, or starting, to worship God? Do you think the best entertainment or a well known preacher is the best place for you? Worship is not a commodity. Don’t look for the place that will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Religion is all about getting to know God and his will for you. It’s quiet and serene.
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