Saturday, January 28, 2012

Red Light!

I came close to experiencing the same kind of auto accident my wife had a year or so ago, and, in fact, at the same intersection. The “protected left turn green arrow” turned on, and as I normally do, not always, I looked the cross traffic over and sure enough here comes a one ton dually with a long trailer in tow loaded with some sort of building materials. Needless-to-say, I could tell this truck wasn’t about to stop for the red light clearly displayed right in front of the driver’s eyes. As the truck illegally sailed through the intersection, I couldn’t help but notice the driver holding some papers in one hand and a cell phone in the other, obviously conducting business, not driving the truck. If I had impatiently pulled into the intersection I too would have been another statistic of cell phone brain disengagement, which renders human beings mute to all things surrounding them. It seems the whole world has to be put on hold anymore when a cell phone screams out like a spoiled child for attention. Nothing seems to over-ride the non-importance of an incoming cell phone call. Hey, unless you’re expecting a phone call from the President of the United States looking for your advice on an important matter, give everyone a break and give your phone a rest when your brain needs to be protecting the rest of your body. The cell phone has put everyone in overloaded overdrive, speeding through life day after day, all the while being warned to slow down before we blow a gasket. I don’t know how to address the abuse of the cell phone. I do know one thing though; the cell phone is negatively influencing our young people worse than rock-n-roll and “the pill” ever did in my generation.
[Galatians 3:1-5] Paul wrote to the church in Galatia with the query of, “Who steered you away from your faith?” Someone had dragged the Law back into the church and held it up as to being the only way to heaven. The Galatians were being taught that the only way to heaven was through their worldly human efforts and observing the law. Paul reminded them that it is belief and faith that gets you into heaven not following the Law. In Paul’s letter to the Romans he said if you want to fulfill the Law, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Romans 13:8-14). Jesus taught the same (Matthew 7:7-12; 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34) It is so easy for us to run right through the red light of an important intersection of our faith when all we do is listen to someone else, believing on them, and not studying the Bible, believing on it. What would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purse or pocket everywhere we went? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to get messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it? What if we gave it to our kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency? Are you thinking right now “…Hmm, where is my Bible?” Unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry about it being disconnected for none payment for Jesus has paid the bill in full for a lifetime of use. Oh, and no dropped calls! In Paul’s letter to the Colossians he spelled out what Holy living should be like (Chapter 3). He topped it off with this, (v.17) “…And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Our love and concern for others is muted in our selfishness. Slow down and care a little more.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sin Will Shipwreck You

Friday, January 13th didn’t turn out to be a very lucky day for the skipper of the cruise ship, Costa Concordia nor its 3,200 passengers and crew numbering over 1,000. Captain Francesco Schettino intentionally steered his ship off course to show-off, so to speak, to some people on the island of Giglio, Italy. As the ship approached the island it hit a reef gouging a huge gash into the aft port side of the ship’s hull resulting in shipwreck and partial sinking. Lack of investigating the seriousness of the accident, the captain reported the incident as a “minor inconvenience” after the lights went out and did not issue the “abandon ship” order until one hour into the disaster. Then, it seems, the captain was one of the first people off the ship. According to an article published on, by Rebecca Evans, Paul Harris and Nick Pisa, Schettino’s made his bizarre excuse for leaving the ship during a three-hour court hearing in the mainland town of Grosseto before his release. He told investigating magistrate Valeria Montesarchio: ‘The passengers were rushing all over the decks trying to scramble into the lifeboats. I didn’t even have a life jacket because I had given it to one of the passengers – I was trying to get them into the lifeboats in an orderly fashion. All of a sudden the boat listed between 60-70 degrees. I tripped and ended up in one of the lifeboats. That’s why I was in there.’ Schettino's behavior has already been called into question after dramatic audio tapes revealed how a furious harbor official had ordered him back onto the bridge to oversee the rescue, after he was shocked to learn he had already left the Concordia despite dozens of passengers still needing help. Despite freeing the captain, (now under house arrest) Judge Montesarchio wrote that he made no attempt to return to his ship and described his actions as ‘inept, negligent and imprudent’. A former captain who sailed with him claimed he handled ships ‘like a Ferrari driver’. Martino Pellegrino said: ‘I’ve always had my reservations about Schettino. He was too exuberant; a daredevil. More than once I had to put him in his place.’ This author concludes, left to our own devises, we will trip and fall every time.
An atheist asked a Christian lady if she believed the Bible was true. She said she did. “Then”, said the atheist, “tell me how a whale swallowed Jonah, as a whales stomach is no bigger than a man’s head.” The lady said she didn’t know exactly, “The Bible says it was a big fish prepared by God, but when I get to heaven I’ll get all my questions answered.” The atheist smugly asked, “What if you can’t find Jonah when you get to heaven?” The lady answered, “Then I guess you can ask him about the fish yourself.”
[Hebrews 12] …“But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). The captain of the Costa Concordia was not cruising in approved shipping lanes at the time of his accident. His excuse was the reef was not on the charts. The fact is it didn’t have to be for a ship the size of the Concordia because it didn’t belong that close to the island in the first place. Sin is the same way. Sin will take you where you never intended to go; keep you there longer than you ever intended to stay; and make you do things you never intended to do. When we deviate from the course God has laid out for us to follow, we’re headed for shipwreck. “I didn’t know”, is always our first defense. We don’t know because we don’t study God’s Word. Knowing the way is one thing; obeying the way is a must.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

God Is Still In Charge

I don’t think it’s a secret that I am deeply disappointed with the way I’m being represented in my local, state and federal governments. I have become despondent with the same old trash talking election year political rhetoric that promises nothing, yet all-the-while makes you think the candidate for office has the power to make things happen once elected. The Greek word for most political debates is “hogwash”. I don’t think there’s anybody left that truly loves this country enough to simply serve the people. Because our elected officials are only looking for what they can gain from office, they have failed to put their heart and soul into what we elected them to do. For the past thirty plus years my ideals and my votes have been buried by lobbyists. Money is buying my freedom out from under me. I just thank God they can’t buy my soul.
[Philippians 4: 13] I love the Lord and thank Him for all He does in my life. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I would be nothing. But, with Him, I can do all things. He is the first and the last; the beginning and the end. He is the keeper of creation and the Creator of all! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was; He always is; He always will be …unmoved, unchanged, undefeated and never undone. He was bruised to bring forth healing. He was pierced to ease my pain. He was persecuted to bring me freedom. He died to give me life. He has risen to become my King. He reigns to bring forth peace. The world can’t understand Him; the armies can’t defeat Him; the schools can’t explain Him; and the leaders can’t ignore Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him; The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him; and the people couldn’t hold Him. Nero couldn’t crush Him; Hitler couldn’t silence Him; the New Age can’t replace Him; and Donahue can’t explain Him away. He is light, love, longevity and Lord. He is goodness, kindness, gentleness; and God. He is holy, righteous, mighty, powerful and pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal; His will is unchanging; and His mind is on me. He is my Redeemer, Savior, Guide and Peace. He is my joy, my comforter, my Lord and He rules my life. I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the over comers and the sovereign Lord of all that was, is, and is to come. And if all that seems impressive try this for size …His goal is a relationship with me and YOU! He will never leave me, forsake me, mislead me, forget me, or overlook me. When I fall; He lifts me up. When I fail; He forgives. When I am weak; He is strong. When I am lost; He is the way. When I am afraid; He is my courage. When I stumble; He steadies me. When I am hurt; He heals me. When I am broken; He mends me. When I am blind; He leads me. When I am hungry; He feeds me. When I face trials; He is with me. When I face persecution; He shields me. When I face problems; He comforts me. When I face loss; He provides for me. When I face death; He’ll carry me home. He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time and in every way. He is God. He is faithful. I am His and He is mine. So, if you’re wondering why I feel so secure, understand this …He said it and that settles it for me. God is in control; I am on His side; and that means all is well with my soul. Amen.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Improve By Reviewing

By all indications, the year 2012 is going to be a bumpy ride. The world has some more leaders posturing to be noticed as the new bully in the neighborhood. When, not if, push comes to shove, who knows what will happen between the countries of the world. I think a little less strutting and a lot more “Tebowing” could be in order this year because we could definitely use some heavenly intervention for our world leaders, including right here at home. The economic crisis is far from over and what the world governments and stock markets are getting away with would put you and me in an irresolute credit condition and bankruptcy. In fact, if I operated my household the way most governments operate their country, I would probably be prosecuted to the fullest and spend a lot of time in jail. This election year could, no I think will, make or break the USA as we know it today. If you like the lifestyle of freedom and independent thinking we all enjoy in this country, we better get on our knees this year and beg God for some leaders that are willing to heal our land, not inflict more pain with power.
Two buddies decided to go duck hunting. Neither one of them had ever been duck hunting before. After several hours they still hadn’t bagged any. One hunter turned to the other and said, “I just don’t understand it. Why aren’t we getting any ducks?” His friend replied, “I told you, I don’t think we’re throwing the dog high enough!”
A blonde was sick and tired of people making fun of her for being a blonde, so decided to hang herself. A few minutes later a couple of men walked by and saw her hanging by her wrists. “What are you doing?” they asked her. “Hanging myself”, she replied. Confused, the men said, “Usually, people hang themselves by the neck.” The blonde replied, “Duh! I tried that, but I couldn’t breathe!”
A young man agreed to baby-sit for a couple so they could have an evening out. At bedtime he sent the youngsters upstairs to bed and settled down to watch football. One child kept creeping down the stairs and the young man kept sending him back to bed. At 9 p.m. the doorbell rang. It was the next door neighbor asking if her son was there. “No”, answered the sitter. Just then a head appeared over the upstairs banister and in a voice of panic the child said, “I’m here Mom, but he won’t let me go home!”
[Matthew 16: 23-27] I have made a resolute decision this year to not make any New Year’s resolutions. Doh! I just made one! What I really feel I want to do this year is review and improve on that which I did last year. Sounds like a good plan to me. …Have I been faithful to the Lord this past year in the use of my time, resources and abilities? Spiritually speaking, how will I improve this year? Do I have hidden sins in my life that I need to purge in order to please God? Am I seeking first His kingdom or my own well-being? Who have I tried to bring to Christ this past year? Whose soul will I try to save this year? Have I fallen into the trap of allowing trivial matters to consume most of my time and distract me from issues of eternal significance? Did I set a good example in the recent year for how to live as a Christian? What spiritual goals will I work to achieve spiritual growth this new year? Am I too busy with the things of this world? There are certainly other questions that could be raised but these should give all of us something to think about and consider. So, are you going to allow the troubles of the world to consume your life or seek the kingdom that promises love and life eternal?