Sunday, May 06, 2012

Boss or Leader?

    Well, as crazy as the political arena is going to get, I pray you get out and vote no matter what. Everyone eligible to vote is old enough to make some sort of half-way intelligible decision in their own mind as to who can represent them best. I think that could be some of the problem we Americans have let our politicians get away with for too long a period of time. Most of those whom we place in office seem to forget they are there to represent us, not dictate to us. Are our elected officials leaders or bosses? Which do you want; a leader or another boss? A boss drives; a leader coaches. A boss depends on authority; a leader, goodwill. A boss says “I”; a leader says “we”. A boss fixes blame for a problem; a leader fixes the problem. A boss “knows how” it is done; a leader “shows” how to do it. A boss says “GO!”; a leader says “Let’s go”. A boss uses people; a leader develops people. A boss sees today; a leader looks at tomorrow. A boss commands; a leader asks. A boss never has enough time; a leader makes time. A boss is always concerned with “things”; a leader is concerned with people. A boss lets his people know where he stands; a leader lets his people know where to stand. A boss works hard to produce; a leader works hard to help his people produce. A boss takes all the credit; a leader gives credit to all. Look at those who are in office at the moment and examine the track record of the candidates, then decide for your self.
    Here are some plus’s and minus’s you might want to think about as you travel down your road to forever. The most destructive habit …worry; The greatest joy …giving; The greatest loss …loss of self-respect; The most satisfying work …helping others; The ugliest personality trait …selfishness; The most endangered species …our youth; The greatest “Shot in the arm” …encouragement; The greatest problem to overcome …fear; The most effective sleeping pill …peace of mind; The most crippling failure disease …excuses; The most powerful force in life …love; The most dangerous pariah (I had to consult Webster also) …a gossiper; The world’s most incredible computer …the brain; The worst thing to be without …hope; The deadliest weapon …the tongue; The most power-filled words …I can; The greatest asset …faith; The most worthless emotion …self-pity; The most beautiful attire …a smile; The most prized possession …integrity; The most powerful channel of communication …prayer; The most contagious spirit …enthusiasm. We might all rehearse this list often.
    [1 Timothy 2: 14-26] John the baptizer said of Jesus, “After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie” (Mark 1:7). Jesus said of John, “I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John…” (Luke 7:28). Both were leaders and exhibited the traits of a leader, neither had ambitions of self worth. Both looked to tomorrow and both encouraged those who followed them in the ways of God. Some say they can’t follow in the footsteps of Jesus because God asks for too much. Jesus was asked about the commandments of God and which was the greatest. “Love you God with all your heart, soul and mind’, this is the greatest. And the second is like it. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40). Can everyone attain these two goals in their life? With encouragement and love, we can. Jesus says answered prayer will be the greater reward (John 15:9-17).

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