Sunday, August 12, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

      The showman, P.T. Barnum, has been attributed with the statement, “There’s a sucker born every minute”, when in reality, even though he never denied uttering the phrase, it is very unlikely it was ever quoted by Barnum himself. All of Barnum's friends and acquaintances told Barnum’s biographer it was out of character. Barnum's credo was more along the lines of "there's a customer born every minute" - he wanted to find ways to draw new customers in all the time because competition was fierce and people could become bored easily. Another source credits late 1860s Chicago "bounty broker, saloon and gambling-house keeper, eminent politician, and dispenser of cheating privileges...", Michael Cassius McDonald, as the originator of the aphorism. According to the book Gem of the Prairie: Chicago Underworld (1940) by Herbert Asbury, when McDonald was equipping his gambling house known as The Store (at Clark and Monroe Streets in Chicago) his partner Harry Lawrence expressed concern over the large number of roulette wheels and faro tables being installed and their ability to get enough players to play the games. McDonald then allegedly said, "Don't worry about that, there's a sucker born every minute." (Wikipedia) Most of the time I try to investigate the history of what I share with my readers, and admittedly, I also enjoy spoofing you once in a while just to see if I receive any reaction. Most of the time I assume a good laugh, or at least a small giggle, is shared by all. Beware of untruths.
      [Galatians 6: 7] “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Singer, John Lennon, during his 1966 interview with American Magazine said, “Christianity will end; it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was OK, but his subjects were too simple. Today, we (The Beatles) are more famous than him.” John Lennon was shot six times in an untimely death. Tancredo Neves, during his Brazilian Presidential campaign, said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from the Presidency. He won the election, became ill, never took the oath of office and died one month into his “presidency”. After the completed construction of the Titanic, a reporter asked the builder how safe the ship would be. With an ironic tone he replied, “Not even God can sink it!” I guess everyone knows what happened after that. Actress, Marilyn Monroe, was visited by Billy Graham during one of her shows. He said the spirit of God had sent him to preach to her. She bluntly stated, “I don’t need your Jesus.” A week later she was found dead in her apartment. Jamaican journalist and entertainer, .Christine Hewitt, said the Bible was the worst book ever written. In June 2006 she was found burned beyond recognition in her automobile. We are living in an age of smoke and mirrors, deception and lies. The internet and the television are mocking the very precepts of God which this great country is based upon. You don’t believe me? Go back and seek out the real historical beginnings of this country. God is not going to allow this to go on much longer. The “Day of the Lord” is coming to judge this country and bring it down. You don’t think so? For the past ten years God has been warning US to repent and return to Him. Unusual weather, disease, fire, drought, floods, quakes and coming soon, famine, are all warnings from God. You think it can’t happen? What has God done historically? Read the book of Joel. Hold it up to what you see in America today.

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