Well, the elections are over and the results are what they are. The winners claim it’s good that things will remain the same and the losers claim it’s a shame that things will be the same. The majority of candidates running for office had very little to say about how they would improve or build upon the great effort put forth by their current elected leader, no, rather all I heard is how wrong the office is being run and how inappropriate the policies of the current leadership are for the people. It’s like telling me about all my faults. I already know the problems we face in government today and it makes no sense to me that all anybody wants to do is make the problem bigger. Go on TV and tell me that greed is running rampant in government and it’s time to repent of this behavior. Ask me to pray for you that God will grant you wisdom to lead and give you the courage to stand up for the moral rights of the righteous citizens of this great country. That would be someone worth supporting and voting for. Quit borrowing money to pay the debt on the borrowed money that’s paying the debt on borrowed money. What Washington is doing is against the law for me to do. Why can’t anyone be honest without being accused of treason? It doesn’t matter who got elected, we have a new collar and lead; now, “Heel”! Or you could shuck your collar and lead.
His teacher asked the class what their favorite animal was. When it came time for the kindergartner to answer he said, “Fried Chicken”. She said he wasn’t funny, but that couldn’t have been right because the whole class laughed. The teacher sent him to the office. He told the principal what happened. He laughed and told the boy not to do it again. His parents had taught him to always be truthful and honest. He told his dad what happened and he said she was probably a member of PETA and explained they love animals very much. The next day the teacher asked what their favorite live animal was. He told her it was a chicken. She asked why, just like she asked the other children. He told it was because you can make them into fried chicken. She sent him to the principal again. He laughed and said, “Don’t do it again.” The youngster couldn’t understand why the teacher didn’t like it when he was being honest with his answers to her questions. The next day she asked the class to tell her what famous person they admired most. He told her, “Colonel Sanders.” The principal fell out of his chair.
[Habakkuk] “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This being true, read Habakkuk and see if today’s world isn’t the same as in his time. The teacher also said, “…Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14). What if the Lord came tonight, and the way I lived has not been right? What would I give to turn back time, if the way I’d lived was not in line? If I knew the savior, but left Him behind, and lived my life as though I were blind, what would my fate be in the end, if I didn’t follow Jesus, my devoted friend? I’ll have to answer for my own fate, for at the last minute it will be too late, if I didn’t take time to fully prepare, and devote my life under His care. He’s given me time to get it right, and patiently wait both day and night. His coming should be my greatest hour, as He comes for me in a flash of power. God help me prepare for that sweet day, just help me stay in the narrow way. When life gets hard and I want to flee, I’ll strive to be ready when you come for me.
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