Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why Do We Do It?

Why do we press harder on the remote control buttons when we know the batteries are almost dead? Why do banks charge a fee when they already know we don’t have any money? Why when we’re told there are over four billion stars in our galaxy alone we believe it, but we have to use our finger to see if the “Wet Paint” sign applies? Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard? Knowing that Superman can stop bullets with his chest, why does he duck his head when a revolver is thrown at him? Is there a day that mattresses are not on sale? Why do people keep running over a string on the floor with a vacuum cleaner, then reach down; pick it up; examine it; then put it back on the floor to give the vacuum one more chance? How do all the dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures? In winter, why do we keep the house as warm as summer when we were complaining about the heat? And, why when we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart, and apologizes for doing so, do we say, “Oh, that’s all right”? Well, it isn’t “alright”, it hurts! Why don’t we say, “Watch where your going!” I guess for the same reason we don’t tell some people to get back into the closet and we’re allowing, time warp, mind altering, drugs such as marijuana to “come of age”. While the cat’s allowing the mice to play, the “civil rights” of folks, that everyone keeps harping about, are being legislated away by inept representatives, because the citizens of this great country are so wrapped up in themselves, most people just can’t find the time to cast a vote anymore. The wrath of God is coming upon U.S.

[Genesis 3: 4-5] There is a warfare going on between you and Satan (Ephesians 6:12). As in any war it is essential you know your adversary and what he is after. Satan is eager to tread on your gullibility. We have the capacity of being deceived and cheated by his deliberate lies and evil-doings. It happened in the very beginning, to Eve, when Satan questioned God’s habitual observance of the truth, and boldly lied by saying, “You will not surely die”. Then Satan sweetened the lie with the assurance, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”. In Philippians 4: 8, Paul gives a list of what to think about, beginning with “…whatever is true”. The search for truth is imperative if we are to be saved from our gullibility. Don’t believe anything Satan says! He has been a liar from the beginning (John 8:42-47). Satan tells the saint that he can be self-sufficient. You’ve heard it: “There is no need for the church. You will be fine without the body of Christ. Attending worship, singing, praying, partaking of the communion, giving of your means, etc. is fine, but you don’t need it. Jesus, YES!; the church, NO! Well, what are you going to do with Hebrews 10:25; “let us no give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another…” In Satan’s bag of tricks there are distractions of the world: discouragement, discord, lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life. He continually tries to convince us that there is plenty of time to straighten up our lives. He assures us that we can call sin by another name, and that it is not really all that bad. He teaches that the Bible is a book of fables and, although a great teacher, Jesus was just another man.” I’m not perfect. I get duped by Satan like anyone else, but with God’s truth on my side I make better decisions in my life. People are becoming like busy termites, and netting the same results – destruction.

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