Well, when it comes to health worries, as if we didn’t have enough things to worry about, like cancer attacking any and every part of the body, or Bird Flu, or HIV, or STD’s, or Ebola, or Diabetes, now we have the Zika virus to tend with. Zika has been around for some time, but it’s become the “cream of the crop” rising to the top of the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) warning and aware list, because a doctor in Brazil thinks it might be tied to a certain birth defect, as yet unsubstantiated. The possibility and probability of the virus and the birth defect are quit high, but not proven to be linked so far. But, the warning is out to whoever wishes to adhere to it, as a preventative measure in their life, possibly saving them from a life-time of misery. Of course our world will always have those who won’t listen and insist, “You can’t tell me what to do!” This is true. Unfortunately, society gets stuck taking them on as indigent health-care recipients because they refuse to wear a seatbelt, or won’t put their phone down while driving a vehicle. I have to admit I over-indulged in my past lifestyle with tobacco and alcohol for many years until all the warning signs started to pop up screaming, “STOP! Or we’ll take you down!” Those who know me also know I came to my senses twenty some years ago and even though I’ve had to go through some suffering and correction, I’m sooo glad I quit my addictions. I promised myself at the beginning of this year to work harder than ever on improving my health in an attempt to possibly squeeze another 25 years or so out of this poor abused body of mine. I think I’ve got a handle on it and I’m leaning more and more on the Great Physician who’s carried me this far and will carry me home when it’s time to get out of this nasty world.
[Deuteronomy 8:11-20; 10:14-11:1; Hebrews 13:1-9a] There seems to be something wrong with society when “I Love Lucy” is banned from prime network television stations, because there are scenes of people smoking cigarettes and cigars which might influence children, leading them to the use of tobacco products. So decent prime-time comedic, family value, make you laugh programming has been replaced with family violence, drug use, (but they don’t dare show alcohol being consumed), murder, sexual abuse, foul language, stealing, extortion, parental abuse, child disobedience and self-indulging, greedy, got to have it now trash that won’t influence children possibly leading them down a road of failure, pain and destruction during their lifetime. Have I got that right? On top of that we’re being told that the principles of God cannot be taught our children in school any longer because that’s forcing a religious belief on them they may not agree with. So, leave God out of it! Teach our children to honor their father and mother! Teach them do not murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not lie; do not desire the things that others have; because if you do these things you will suffer the consequences and punishment that comes with disobedience! Gee! What a concept! It’s that or keep building bigger prisons. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not being very tolerant, am I? If you are also angry with this Godless country, just think how angry God must be. The only never-changing thing in this creation is the Creator. What God has done in the past, He will do again. When God’s tolerance runs out, punishment will be swift and harsh. If we continue to ride the political wave we’re on right now, soon we’ll hit the shore in a mighty crash. Pray for God’s help and mercy.
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