It’s December! For
many, especially children, “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” God’s
Word speaks of it as a perfect time. “But when the time had fully come, God
sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that
we might receive the full rights of sons” (Galatians 4:4-5). As the expression
goes, “Hind-sight is 20/20” and obviously, God, as the Master Strategist,
selected the moment He did to send His Son into the world to redeem us and make
us His own for His most excellent reasons. We can only examine the instant the
angel announced the good news of great joy to shepherds keeping watch over
their flocks at night and ask - why then? Of course, history from that point,
if God had never been born a man to die for man’s sin, would have been entirely
different. If Jesus were to come today, into this postmodern climate, he would
have found little to no faith at all on the earth and the quirky religion of
the ancient Hebrews forgotten. No, the time was perfect, but before the time
could fully come, God needed to establish a promise through Abraham, a people
through Israel ,
and a placeholder through Moses. Through the Remnant had to arise synagogues,
the Greeks - a language, and the Romans - roads, the Pax Romana (a time of peace
under Roman rule), and the cruel execution method of crucifixion. Do you know
that His plan was purposeful and planned for you before creation? (Ephesians
[Psalm 32] It is also
the time of the year when we hear the slogan, “Jesus is the reason for the
season.” How do you feel about that slogan? I take issue! Jesus is not only
“the reason for the season” but for devoted Christians, Jesus is “the reason
for all of life” – our spiritual lives! Paul reminds us that we “died” and
“were raised with Christ,” an allusion to our repentance and baptism
(Colossians 2:11-12). We should “seek those things which are above” and our
minds set “on things above.” Our lives are “hidden with Christ in God.” Christ
is “our life” (Colossians 3:1-4). A “season” may be long enough for those of a
secular mindset, for those who give a little thought to Jesus this time of the
year. But to God’s faithful a “lifetime” is not long enough to serve the Lord
we love! He is not “the reason for our season” - He is “the reason for our
surrender.” We should rejoice every day that God sent His Son into the world to
save us - the story of His birth being a part of that grander scheme. Many are
enamored with the story of Jesus’ birth because a babe in a manger makes no
demand upon their lives. They can have God without obligation. They can talk
about His birth, sing a carol or two and then walk away! The emphasis of the
gospel, however, is on the Lordship of Christ, not the birth of Christ. In the
first sermon to the Jews, Peter declared that Jesus is “both Lord and Christ”
(Acts 2:36). In the first sermon to the Gentiles he declared that Jesus is
“Lord of all” (Acts 10:36). His birth is only the beginning of the story! The
ultimate “perfect day” will be the day of redemption that is prepared for the
righteous. The path that has the small gate and
narrow road is the only way that leads to “life” and few are looking for
it (Matthew 7:14). The plan for man’s salvation from sin has been made complete
by God through Jesus and his atoning sacrifice of life for the redemption of
our sins. Paul walked the walk and looking forward to his reward encourages all
who do the same will be rewarded on that “perfect day” (2 Timothy 4:8).
Surrendering to Him as Lord is the story! Wise men still seek Him! Wise men
surrender to Him as Lord! Is Jesus your Lord and Savior today?
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