Twenty-eighteen is
upon us and we have no idea what lies ahead. Everyone will look at the new year
in many different ways. • A day yet to dawn. • A battle yet to be fought. • A
mountain yet to be climbed. • A journey yet to be begun. • A chapter yet to be
written. • A book yet to be read. • A blank sheet yet to be filled. • A new
territory yet to be explored. • A meal yet to be consumed. • A race yet to be
run. • A game yet to be played. • A task yet to be undertaken. • A present yet
to be opened. • A sea yet to be crossed. • A story yet to be told. • A
conversation yet to unfold. • A sermon yet to be preached. • A plan yet to be
set in motion. • A walk yet to be taken. • A building yet to be constructed.
Seize it; live it well! May the Lord bless you and grant you peace throughout
this year.
The new year doesn’t
have to end the joy of gift giving. Her are some gifts anyone can give to
anybody throughout the year: THE GIFT OF PRAISE - Appropriate mention
right in front of the other fellow, of superior qualities or of jobs and deeds
well done. THE GIFT OF CONSIDERATION - Putting yourself in the other’s
shoes, providing genuine understanding of his side of the case. THE GIFT OF
CONCESSION - Humbly saying at just the right point, “I am sorry, you are
right, and l am wrong.” THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE - Never forgetting to say
“thank you,” and never failing to mean it. THE GIFT OF ATTENTION - When
the other fellow speaks listen attentively. If directed to you personally, meet
his eye squarely. THE GIFT OF INSPIRATION - Plant seeds of courage and
action in the other person’s heart. THE GIFT OF PERSONAL PRESENCE - In
sickness, in trouble, or in great joy, there is nothing quite equal to your
personal expression of sympathy or congratulations. Resolve to give these gifts
each day. You will be pleasantly surprised at what you will receive in return.
30:19-20] After Moses had spoken to the people of their renewal of their
covenant with God and what entering into the promised land should mean to them
he said: “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have
set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that
you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen
to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life...” Entering this
new year we too should take time to renew our covenant with God and study his
words of grace more closely: “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in
settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11). Jesus told His disciples, just before His
death, when they were afraid, “...In this world you will have trouble. But take
heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). In this world each one of us
has trouble, trials, and temptation. We will never be without these things, in
this world, and we never know how difficult the next thing we face can be. We
cannot remove all the tribulations of this world from the lives of people we
love. What can we do? We can offer our brothers and sisters a word of kindness,
appreciation, and encouragement. When we do this, we are carrying out a very
valuable (even priceless, if you will) part of God’s purpose in us. The timely
word, the silent prayer, The look of love that’s all too rare, The open heart
willing to share - These things matter. A promise kept, the accepting smile,
The will to go the extra mile, Desire to forgive and reconcile - These things
matter. Eternal life, before we die, On God, by faith, we fully rely, To do his
will, and never deny - These things matter. (J. Randal Matheny) Happy New Year!
– “Live long and prosper.”
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