I am proud to be
living in a land of God blessed privileged people under a Constitution inspired
by God’s Word granting me life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But, of
late I find myself ashamed of the actions being portrayed by the Keepers of the
Constitution. A strict Interpreter of the Constitution has been presented to
the Keepers of the Constitution who over the years have been dismantling it to
suit their style of life. In subtle ways the liberal Keepers of the
Constitution have been purposely misinterpreting the Constitution to manipulate
and change the lifestyle of righteous God-fearing self-sufficient citizens into
a communal anything goes society. What we are becoming is a lawless society
that no longer honors the Constitution or God. Sad to say, the liberal Keepers
of the Constitution cannot allow a conservative Interpreter of the Constitution
to sit in judgment of their actions concerning the defamation of the
Constitution. So, they distributed fake news about the Interpreter, hired
agitators to confuse and discredit him before the people and even an accuser to
destroy his righteous life. What next? Falsely execute him?
[John 18:1-19:16]
Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a land far, far away, there came a man to
a God blessed privileged people as a strict Interpreter of the Law of God. The
present Keepers of the Law opposed his “interfering” with their twisted
interpretations and adjustments that they were making to the Law to suit their
style of life. Over the years they had added to and taken away from the Law in
small, subtle ways, as to make the people think it was all for the greater
good. Meanwhile they gained power over the people to a point where the people
no longer honored the Law and were afraid to confront the Law Keepers for fear
of retribution. The people found favor in the interpretation and teaching of
the Law from the One who was not of the Law Keepers. The Keepers of the Law
felt they were losing control of the people they had governed for so long, for
in their attempt to discredit the new Interpreter of the Law, they found
themselves embarrassed by the perfect thoughts and examples He used to bring
the Law of God into the light of true life. The Keepers of the Law hated the
strict conservative Interpreter and plotted to kill Him. They accused Him of
blasphemy because he said he was the Promised One of God written about in the
Scriptures. The Keepers of the Law hired an accuser for thirty pieces of silver
to take them to arrest the Interpreter. They themselves couldn’t rid the Interpreter
of their discomfort, so handed Him over to the Ruler of the land for his
judgment. The Ruler examined the Interpreter but could find no basis for the
charges that had been brought against Him by the liberal Keepers of the Law. To
satisfy the Keepers of the Law the Ruler turned the Interpreter over to some
ruthless, godless, vigilantly soldiers who for hours abused and beat Him within
an inch of His life. They did not kill Him so the Keepers of the Law insisted
that He must die for calling Himself the Son of God. A plan was devised to let
the people decide the fate of the Interpreter. Fake news about the Interpreter
was distributed and crowd agitators were planted to contort the decision of a
prisoner exchange – an accused murderer for an innocent righteous Man of God.
The paid accuser had no idea how he was being used until death overshadowed his
greed. In his remorseful state he rejected the blood-money and committed
suicide (Matthew 27:1-5). Is history repeating itself? The righteous are about
to be persecuted for not being liberal enough to add to and take away from
God’s Law and live for self only.