Well, it’s September
and that spells Football. Personally, I’ve never really been a big fan of
football and over the past several years even less so. My wife watches a lot of
it on TV, college and professional. I have a whole grocery list of reasons for my
distaste of, especially, professional sports. At the top of my list are the few
full-of-themselves alpha meism worshippers, which seem to be in every sport,
that just have a way of turning my attention elsewhere. Some professionals
can’t conduct themselves in a greater manor than an eight-year-old while
celebrating or protesting in or out of the playing arena. It’s a shame that
with the stage they have to use, they could be using it to positively build up
instead of selfishly tearing down. Also, money causes the rule books to keep
getting thicker every year; it’s not a game anymore. One more thing: I have a
problem with a multi-millionaire expressing to me how oppressed they are in
this country. A man once reminded me, “You are who you are because that’s who
you want to be.” The Americans I know are happy with who they are. Stop trying
to make American’s socialized brats.
[Jeremiah 7:23]
Football coaches routinely scout their opponents. The scouting report enables
them to develop a game plan that will capitalize on the opponent’s weaknesses
and disable or avoid their strengths. A pre-game talk designated to motivate
the team is usually planned and delivered. You might say that God has given us
a scouting report. He has made us aware of potential problems. He promises us
victory. And He has the material for a tremendous pep talk. I can almost hear
Him now. “Alright now, you Christians are going to have to be mentally alert
and spiritually prepared. It is going to take teamwork to win. No one of you
can win the victory by yourself. All of you working together cannot win. But
when each of you does his part, I’ll add mine and the victory will be in your
pocket. Now I want to warn you the opposing coach is unlike any other you will
ever face. If he has not contacted you, he will. He will try to recruit you. He
will promise you anything to get you to change teams. If that does not work, he
will try to bribe you into throwing the game. Do not listen to any of his
promises. He is an accomplished liar! (John 8:44). You are going to have to
stick to the game plan that I have given you. Do not play their game. Play your
own game (Romans 12:2). Let me assure you that this opponent is no pushover.
Winning will be costly. You are well aware of some of our distinguished alumni.
You know what it cost Moses to play on the winning side (Hebrew 11:24-28). And
you are familiar with how Saul of Tarsus gave up everything for the cause of
Christ (Philippians 3:7-10). They were great team players, tremendous leaders,
but they were just like you. They put on their pants one leg at a time; just
like you do. I am going to reveal the secret of their success. I am going to
tell you how you can be what they were. It is so simple it is elusive. Paul
revealed the secret to the entire Corinthian team, but not many of them
capitalized on it. In fact, not many have capitalized on it since. But I want
you to engrave this secret on your heart, on your soul, and on your mind. Here
it is in Paul’s own words: ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of
Christ’ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Now listen to me! I knew Moses. I knew Paul. I
coached them both. Neither of them were super-human. They were just like you,
but I have to say this, they were better imitators than I expected them to be.
All I ask of you is, go out there and be as much like Christ as you can be.”
God’s Hall of Fame awaits you.
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