Saturday, January 26, 2019

America, What Happened?

Once there was an eagle soaring high in the sky and as it flew, almost out of sight, it became unsteady and suddenly began to fall. It plunged to the earth in a pasture near two men. When the men went to the eagle they found the bird shaking and trembling. In its claw was a rattlesnake. The eagle had caught the reptile, soared into the sky, and finally lost the battle when the snake bit it. Now there it laid holding onto the very thing that killed it! People are the same way. The things from which they hope to derive some pleasure, like the eagle in the story, are fighting a losing battle by holding on to the very thing that will cause their spiritual death. How sad it is to think of a soul being lost simply because a person is too proud or too stubborn to free themselves of the things that are destroying them! Take this scenario and multiply it a few hundred million times.

As a nation, we have lost our way. We have become a nation that has forgotten its God. We are a wealthy nation that has become the biggest debtor in the world. We tout our country as a “Christian nation,” but tolerate and promote a very un-Christian agenda. We consider our nation the world’s great superpower, but our people are weak spiritually and lack the courage to get its house in order. What happened to our once great nation? God has become a parachute. God used to be invoked often and petitioned constantly. Our nation’s leaders, like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, used to call on the country to turn to God with gratitude and repentance. Now, God is scarcely mentioned by our leaders, except for the obligatory benediction at the close of speeches, “God bless America.” But, our national leaders will not inform the public on what is required of the people to receive God’s blessings (Proverbs 14:34; 2 Chronicles 7:14). Where is the leader who will tell Americans, “Before God will bless us, we must serve and obey Him”? We used to be a worshipping people. Now, church buildings are being abandoned and neglected while sports stadiums and retail malls are full and growing. During days of national crisis, as with the 9-11 tragedy, there is a rush to the houses of worship, but within a few weeks it’s all but forgotten. Our God, for far too many people, has just become a rip-cord to pull when trouble arises. Morality has been forsaken. A nation which once stood opposed to immorality and even codified such in its laws, now openly encourages and flaunts its embrace of every evil thing. Our national leaders now speak of “tolerance” and “acceptance” of homosexuality and transgenderism as natural and socially acceptable. From the highest ranks of government on down, our officials tell us that our opposition to this immorality is intolerant, un-American, and against the “civil rights” of individuals. If God ever even comes up in the discussion, He is misrepresented and His law is perverted. God’s Word is abundantly clear on this subject (Genesis 18:16 – 19:29; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-20). The home is deteriorating and being destroyed. Divorce, once considered evil, has become “the norm”. Drug use and alcohol consumption are at an all time high, and many are clamoring for the easing of laws in regard to marijuana, which is known to be a “gateway drug” leading to worse drug use. The so-called “woman’s right to abortion” has killed millions of innocent children and given us a modern day holocaust that makes Hitler look like an amateur. We all need to pray it’s not too late to turn America around. If Nineveh could repent, why can’t we (Jonah 3)? The snake of evil is about to kill America’s eagle.

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