Saturday, January 19, 2019

Choose Who You Will Serve

“Ten Little Christians” by Vernon Leslie Smith: Ten little Christians standing in a line, One didn’t like the preacher, then there were nine. Nine little Christians stayed up very late, One slept on Sunday morning, then there were eight. Eight little Christians on the road to heaven, One took the lower road and then there were seven. Seven little Christians got in an awful fix, One didn’t like the music, then there were six. Six little Christians seemed very much alive, But one lost her interest, then were five. Five little Christians wishing there were more, But they quarreled with each other, then there were four. Four little Christians, cheerful as could be, But one lost his temper, then there were three. Three little Christians knew not what to do, One joined a sporty crowd, then there were two. Two little Christians, our rhyme is almost done, Differed with each other, and then there was one. One lone Christian won her neighbor true, Brought her with her to the church, and then there were two! Two earnest Christians, each won one more, That doubled their number, so then there were four. Four sincere Christians worked very late, But each won another, so then there were eight. (Eight splendid Christians, but nothing rhymes with “sixteen,” So we simply note that in seven more jungles There would be one thousand and twenty four Christians; Which would be quite a church-full)

Mrs. Dean Judd commented, “In reading the poem, “Ten Little Christians,” I was disappointed that it ended abruptly just when the earnest Christians really got going. So I’ve added a few verses to help them on their way. Here they are:” Eight Christians fasted till they were lean; Worked and prayed until they had sixteen. Sixteen Christians! What did they do? They so lived the Gospel, there were soon thirty-two. Thirty two Christians! Who would want more? They did, and prayed till they had sixty-four. Sixty-four Christians stayed very late — Had all night prayer for one hundred twenty-eight. One hundred twenty-eight Christians the devil couldn’t lick; So he left them alone and there were soon two fifty-six. Two hundred fifty-six Christians didn’t think of themselves; But went out to lost sinners till they numbered five hundred and twelve. Five hundred and twelve Christians! Did they need any more? Yes, I guess so, for they kept bringing them in till there were ten twenty-four. Building a church, hurry, don’t be late! At the rate you are going there’ll be two thousand, forty-eight. And so you can see, by that lone little one Who stood fast with Jesus, just what can be done.

[Joshua 24:14-24] “...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...” Satan is at war with God for the souls of mankind. He has been deceiving man since the creation. Satan is constantly sending the wrong messages, placing many under bondage to him and blinding those who are under his control. In our fast-paced world, it is all too easy to neglect our duty to study God’s Word, pray, and serve the Lord as we should. We must learn to seek the better things in life, and the best things are truly found in Christ. Through diligent and thoughtful study of the Word of God, one will come to understand that happiness, peace of mind, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and love are found in Him (Galatians 5:22-23). We are either servants of the Lord or servants of Satan. There is no neutral position where we can just sit back and wait to see who will win. The Bible is very clear as to who will win this great battle; God will be victorious! Our efforts are greatly needed, teaching the gospel, and bringing the lost to Him, before it’s too late.

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