It Is What It Is
One of the wisest
phrases to ever come along says: “It is what it is; and It ain’t what it
ain’t.” Simple, basic and to the point. In other words, whatever exists,
whatever is true, and whatever has happened, well – is. At the same time,
whatever does not exist, whatever is not true, and whatever has not happened is
– not. Society, culture, and human thinking are ever shifting in our ways of
determining that which is true from that which is false. Philosophy professors
at our “Ivy League” universities teach that reality is subjective. You are who
you say you are. Truth is what you perceive and want it to be and no one has
the right to impose their truth on you. Suddenly, with this way of thinking,
also comes the questioning of foundations America has always stood on, like
God and family. At one time, in this great nation, every person belonged to a
family and nearly every family belonged to God. Perhaps the most significant
shift we, as Christians, have noticed has happened right in our own back yards.
Satan has gotten the world to believe that anything and everything should be
tolerated. The only thing that is not tolerated is intolerance. We see examples
such as students who are no longer allowed to lead public prayers in schools or
at sporting events. Christian social clubs have a very hard time getting
permission to assemble on university campuses, even though other faiths openly
assemble with the university’s support. A lot of legal cases are pending.
[Psalm 14:1-3] “The
fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are
vile; there is no one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on all
mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have
turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even
one.” There seems to be two types of atheists in America today. The first is the
intellectual who believes there is no God; period. The second is the practical
atheist who says he believes in God but behaves like there isn’t one. You know
the second group. They are the one’s who ignore the Bible’s plain teachings
about morality, the plan of salvation, how we should conduct our worship to
God, or even the command to attend worship every Lord’s day. God doesn’t mince
words. To both these groups he says “fool!” Many will say that their God is too
loving to condemn others or too loving to create a place of torment, like hell.
This way of thinking is just not right and certainly not scriptural. There is
no doubt, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). But, do you also believe that God is a
consuming fire and a jealous God? You should, because that’s written in Hebrews
12:29 and Exodus 20:5. When the Bible uses the word “fool,” it’s nothing to be
laughed at or joked about. It’s no trifling matter to be called “a fool” by
God. God is real! He has given us several promises through His Son, Jesus
Christ. Among them is the promise that He’s coming back to take the obedient
believers to Heaven. What a wonderful promise ...but the fool will not be able
to claim this promise. Out of love, we warn people with this message from Jesus
so long ago: “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be
demanded of you...’” (Luke 12:20a). The fact is, it really doesn’t matter how
the world wants to define truth, manipulate Christianity, and define God. That
doesn’t change the fact that “what it is; it is and what it ain’t; it ain’t.”
Paul wrote to Timothy, “Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal
life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the
presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:3-16). God bless your faith.
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