Saturday, August 17, 2019

Out of Control

In 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to play a baseball game. Boston had one of the finest stadiums ever built in the 19th century. During the game, a fight broke out between two players at third base. The fight became a "brouhaha" as both teams left their dugouts to join in the brawl. Fans for both sides starting fighting, too. According to legend*, one Baltimore fan got so hot under the collar that he set fire to the beloved stadium which burned to the ground and spread to the surrounding town. In the end, nearly 2000 people were left homeless. What really happened was, a Boston player slid into third base and the Orioles’ third baseman kicked him in the face. The umpire broke up the ensuing brawl before it could get started. Meanwhile, the Orioles’ right-fielder noticed a small fire under the outfield bleachers, probably started by a carelessly tossed cigarette, setting the trash under the bleachers on fire. He attempted to stomp out the fire to no avail when a gust of wind fanned the flames into a roaring destructive flame. What was thought to be an uprising of the fans over what had just happened on third base was in reality the bleachers emptying out onto the field to get away from the heat rising up from the fire under the bleachers. The teams emptied their dugouts to help evacuate the stadium and get to their locker rooms to salvage their clothing and equipment – there was no fight between fans or team players at all. That’s how rumors and untruths get started and innocent folks get the blamed. It is true, the fire was very destructive, not only to the baseball stadium, but to more than 12 acres and 200 buildings surrounding the stadium.

I wish to inject my two-cents-worth about “red-flag” legislation and the dangers we will all face if it becomes law. States that now support red flag laws are displaying great injustices against their citizens. Under these types of laws, unsubstantiated evidence can be brought before a judge, without your knowledge, that you are out of touch with your emotions and because you have a gun in your house you are probably dangerous. That judge, convinced you “might” become a danger with your gun, will issue a warrant, again without your knowledge, to raid your home at 5 a.m. with a full SWAT team, dragging your family out into the street in your nightclothes, then go completely through your house confiscating every “weapon” in your possession. And if you resist, you are arrested with proof that you are out of control. This is already happening in America. Red flag laws are designed to take away your guns and your right of free speech. By the way – your accuser will never be known – they are anonymous informers. It could be an ex-wife, ex-employee, your child’s teacher, your neighbor - even a family member. Speak out against the government, the school district, your elected officials, the law or even discipline your child and you could be a candidate for a “red-flag” thrown your way.

[Ephesians 4:29-32] Getting angry happens to all of us, but only a few of the 300 million souls living in this country feel the use of a gun is the problem solver. Ungodly anger can destroy friendships, jobs, neighborhoods and even whole cities. So, let’s limit or anger to those things that make God angry (1 Kings 11:9-10; 2 Kings 17:14-20). Let’s endeavor to put away all other causes of anger and strive to live peaceful lives (Ephesians 4:25-32). Legalizing every whimsical desire of our citizens – ungodly “pride,” marijuana, abortion – infant, mentally challenged and elderly euthanasia - “assisted suicide,” and the like, all the while outlawing the belief in God and destroying capitalism, are the seeds of a God-less society that produce fruits of uncontrollable anger because it lacks moral love.

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