Saturday, February 11, 2023

Caring Less Without Dad


The two-ton elephant in the room today is the socialized technological WWIII we are all engaged in, whether one wants to admit it or not. The top three deplorable practices of this war are propaganda, euthanasia, and abortion - all aimed at population control. I guess it’s true – “Those who do not learn history (or choose to ignore it) are doomed to repeat it.”

Alexander the Great, Rome, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China’s Mao Tse Tung, Cambodia’s Pol Pot, Castro, Che Guevara, Nicolae Ceausescu...all have innocent blood on their hands and are rightly denounced. We correctly condemn their butchery. Yet, in the United States, since 1973, over 70 million innocent lives have been killed by abortion!!!!!

The abortion issue seems to center upon whether the fetus is a living person or just a part of the mother. If it is a person, aborting the fetus is murder. If it is just a part of the mother, aborting the fetus is just a procedure. There is a broad gap between the two ideas.

Questions? * Does a body part resemble an entire human being and have a tiny little face? * Does a body part have a heart and a brain? * Does a body part cry out when it is cut out? * Does a body part live after it is removed? * Does a body part have a soul - a spirit? * Does a body part get a name before it is removed? * Does a body part kick its "mother" in the womb and look like a human in an ultrasound? * Does a body part cry for help with a mother wanting to hold and nurture it? * Does a body part, being removed, cause guilt and shame? * Does a body part have millions fighting for its right to live? Who can honestly answer these questions and say that a fetus (child) removed from the mother's womb through abortion is just a body part? That is a lie, and everyone knows it. The baby in the womb is as much a child as an eagle is an eagle while still in the egg. Yet we make laws to protect eagle eggs and make other laws to allow the murder of our children.

 [Proverbs 6:16-19] Our elected officials who make the laws and those who support them ought to be ashamed. The doctors and nurses who carry out the abortion procedures should be ashamed. Any mother who aborts her child should be ashamed. We are a confused and evil nation. We need to repent of this national disgrace and fight for the lives of those tiny, unborn human beings.

Empathy is the ability to feel for others. It’s what makes us care about each other as people and forms the roots of compassion and love. In a world that struggles with bullying, anger, and coldness, you could imagine why people want to know how to build it. Richard Koestner, a psychologist at McGill University was attempting to do just that. He looked and found a study that had been conducted at Yale University back in the 1950s. It involved 75 men and women who had been part of a study when they were children. When Koestner and his colleagues examined all the factors in the children's lives that might have affected how empathetic they became as adults, one factor dwarfed all others—how much time their fathers spent with them. They were expecting other factors, such as how affectionate parents were with their children, would have been a key factor. In reality, it made no difference. Just spending time with Dad did. Fathers play a vital role in the lives of their children. Many of the issues our world faces today are directly related to the lack fathers have in the lives of their children. Fathers are to be examples of discipline (Hebrews 12:9-11) and spiritual instruction (Ephesians 6:4) to their offspring. Fathers can’t do it if they aren’t around. If we what to have quality children, it starts with quality time - with them. You can’t have quality time without quantity time. If you want children to care, you need to show them how much you care. When children care, unwanted pregnancies will cease, and abortion will be un-needed.

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