Saturday, August 10, 2024

You Are You


Here’s a report from about a backyard or schoolyard game which children have played from time immemorial: “School districts in Alabama, California, South Carolina, and Washington have banned playing tag, explaining to parents that the classic recess game undermines the lessons about consent and boundaries being taught to young students. Whether these bans represent overreach or educational consistency, they raise the question about whether or not the game, in which children chase peers and touch peers who don’t want to be touched, has aged well.” Seesaws (teeter-totters) are gone. Dodgeball is gone. And now “tag” is gone. Jay Leno commented on the “tag” brouhaha wondering about the last kid to get tagged, “You’re IT!” “And then the game is banned, and this kid is IT for the rest of his life. He’s IT! He’ll always be IT! Class reunion: ‘Oh, yeah, I remember you. You’re IT.’”

I have often thought about the challenges of coaching sports. Coaches are often scrutinized and criticized for the many tough decisions they make. I’m sure it’s a difficult job and all jobs have pros and cons. Regardless of one’s occupation, there are good days and days we wish we could quit. On “bad days,” many coaches begin using foul, profane language when players do not perform up to their standards. I’m sure a lot of parents, grandparents, and players feel that the use of profanity is offensive, rude, and disrespectful. No one is perfect. We all do and say things we shouldn’t (Romans 3:23). But this doesn’t give anyone a “free pass” to use obscene, filthy language. Coaches shouldn’t use profanity because: 1) If using God’s name in vain and using “four-letter” words would help players perform better, some coaches would never lose. Teams want to win. Screaming obscenities to “encourage” players to perform better makes no sense. Often that kind of coach is a losing coach. 2) It demonstrates a lack of self-control. The Bible teaches that we are to be self-controlled and to exercise temperance (Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:5-6). If a coach cannot discipline oneself, how can that coach expect his players to be disciplined? 3) The Bible explicitly commands “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). 4) It sets a bad example for the players. Young people have enough peer pressure from the world. Shouldn’t coaches show more maturity, leadership, and moral character than to set such a poor example for their players? 5) It is not honorable and shows disrespect for others who have been taught not to use such language. Parents, grandparents, and players have more respect for coaches who show honor and integrity, regardless of the score, than for those who throw cussing fits. Some may object to this line of thought: “You have no experience coaching, so you have no right to speak about the conduct of the coaches.” My response: Neither do I have any experience as a thief, but I know stealing is wrong. I have no experience as a murderer, but I know murder is wrong. I can’t think of anything good that comes from cursing on the court or field. Screaming at players draws attention and in a way the coach is playing tag. “You’re IT” until you start playing better, then it’s on to the next player. Because of such coaches and teachers many of us are still carrying around some stigma, some guilt, something we’d like to lay down. We don’t want to be “tagged,” and we don’t want to feel like there’s a bullseye on our back. We want to get rid of it.

[Isaiah 43:1] Jesus was the last one tagged with the sins of the world laid on Him. The good news is that God has removed the IT through Jesus Christ and gave us a U. You’re U. You’re a person. You are loved, not tagged. We can all be winners. Just do your best.

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