I’ve been writing this weekly column since May 17, 1998 only missing two weeks, one for a total crash of my computer and the other two years ago at the death of my mother. The local newspaper has printed it for going on five years, I send it out to over 70 email recipients across the country, including three in Africa and I have a Blog. I abstain from promoting anything or anyone except for God’s Word and the Lord, Jesus Christ. I do it because there are many who don’t think they can live a righteous life in this sinful world, but according to God’s Word that simply isn’t so. I attempt to take a little something from my life, add an antidote to lighten the mood and apply both to God’s loving mercy, found in His Word, to help explain that we can live as God would have us to live, with just a little effort on our part. I’m going to break tradition this week and write about a non-profit organization named, South Texas Resources and Assistance Center located here in Floresville. I would venture to say very few people know who or what they are. Operating on a shoestring, STRAC has become a lifeline for the poor and elderly for Wilson and surrounding counties, procuring medicines and support finding help to improve lowly lifestyles. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t feel STRAC didn’t fill the needs of a long neglected population of our community. To put it bluntly, STRAC needs financial help to continue their work. STRAC, 1006 “D” St., Floresville, 830-393-7888.
John Gipson wrote: There’s something I can do. I’m not bragging because it’s something you can do too. It’s not confined to young or old. It has nothing to do with intelligence or high attainments. It’s an “equal opportunity employer”. One doesn’t even have to be in good health. So what is it? It begins with an attitude of heart and leads to action. It’s so admired by Jesus that He pronounces a blessing on everyone who practices it. Let me give you a hint. God has done it through the ages. You can see it exemplified in Jesus, and when I do it, it returns to me. It’s unfortunate that many neglect or refuse the opportunity to do it. Perhaps the difficulty lies in the fact that it requires “getting inside” the other person. William Barclay expressed it this way: “Oh the bliss of the man who gets right inside other people, until he can see with their eyes, think with their thoughts, feel with their feelings, for he who does that will find others do the same for him, and will know that that is what God in Jesus Christ has done”. The thing I can do, and you can do, is show mercy. Jesus promised (Matthew 5:7), “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”. If it’s mercy I need, then it is mercy that I must extend. Look carefully at how Jesus acted when He was in close personal association with distressed people. Was He not always extending a helping hand? And, shouldn’t I be doing the same thing? A warning label is attached about the omission of this beautiful quality of mercy in ones life. (James 2: 13) “For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy; yet mercy triumphs over judgment.”
[Luke 14: 12-14] The works of many groups in this community aren’t done with the intention of great repayment. They are done in love and pity for ones neighbor. The loss of support given by STRAC to these groups, will definitely diminish the quality of good works in several communities. Your monetary gifts will help defer normal business expenses, keeping these two angels working, and glorifying God, with their mercy.
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