Sunday, May 07, 2006

What Are You Waiting For?

Even if you’re a “go-getter” it seems like we’re always waiting on something. I know when I was in business I was always waiting on a customer to show up or some ordered parts to arrive and of course I was always waiting on money owed for services rendered. Obviously, my patience was tested multiple times, I also failed multiple times, while waiting for things to go my way and I never thought that would ever change. Amazingly, the difference in my work today verses a few years ago, it just doesn’t seem to matter how quickly things get done anymore and it doesn’t have to always be done my way. No, I’m not getting lazy; I’m just taking life at a smoother pace and a steadier stride. I was having a meeting with a man the other day; we were discussing some new ideas and strategies, when another asked if I take high blood pressure medicine. I was confused at first as to his query and then it hit me. One thing that has not changed, hard as I work at it, as my passion level rises, so does my audio level and my expression of urgency about a subject. Needless to say, I frighten people while talking about things that really concern me. Hey, don’t give up on me. God’s not done with me yet.
Things I’m learning in my Christian walk: The most destructive habit…Worry; The ugliest personality trait…Selfishness; The greatest joy…Giving; The greatest loss…Self-respect; The most satisfying work…Helping others; The most endangered species…Our youth; The greatest “shot in the arm”…Encouragement; The greatest problem to overcome…Fear; The most effective sleeping pill…Peace of mind; The most crippling disease…Excuses; The most powerful force in life…Love; The most dangerous force in life…Gossip; The deadliest weapon…The tongue; The two most power-filled words…”I can”; The worst thing to be without…Hope; The greatest asset…Faith; The most worthless emotion…Self pity; The most beautiful attire…A smile; The most prized possession…Integrity; The most contagious spirit…Enthusiasm; The most powerful channel of communication…Prayer.
[2 Peter, Chapter 3] Life today is fast paced, as has been the thoughts of every generation, but the pace of God has never changed. The screenplay for life was written even before creation. The existence of mankind (made in God’s own image), the disobedience of man toward his Creator (sin), the reconciliation of man to his Creator (the sacrifice of Christ) and the destruction of all creation is in play right now and when the final curtain will fall nobody knows, except the Creator. The finale will come for each of us either through death or the return of Jesus. In our “hurry up and wait” world we tend to frustrate ourselves, testing our own patience, not using what little time we have in a manner favorable unto salvation. It is said that in a lifetime we will spend six months at stoplights, eight months opening junk mail, a year and a half looking for lost stuff and five years standing in line or sitting in a waiting room. What are you doing with that time? Peter reminds us in verse 9, “But the Lord is not slow in His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” We want to get our salvation the old fashion way, “Earn it!” You can’t!! God wants to give it to you and His patience is much greater than yours. God waits on you. Use your “waiting time” to seek God’s loving grace, through prayer.

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