Saturday, December 06, 2014

A Partnership Of Three

I have an anniversary coming up, one year short of thirty, with the woman I don’t deserve. She has the patience of Job and can squeeze a nickel so tight it changes to a dime. Without her I would probably be destitute and boo-hooing over my wretched life.

A husband happened into the bedroom and overheard his wife, as she was sliding hangers full of clothing across the steel rack one by one, to say, “Oh I wish I were eight again!” Without interrupting her he slipped out of the room with a brilliant idea for their upcoming wedding anniversary. All the arrangements had been made and on the eve of their anniversary he announced, “Tomorrow we are going to spend the whole day together.” She retired excited about what the morrow might bring. The alarm rang and she was greeted with kisses and instructions to get dressed they were going out to breakfast. At the pancake house she could have anything her heart desired. Following breakfast they went to the park to ride horses. Then they went to the mall where he bought her the doll she had always wanted as a little girl but never had. It was pizza for lunch with games and a silly side show. A walk in the park led them to the bumper cars, the Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round all of which they rode over and over again. Supper was at a burger place topped off with sharing a banana split. Popcorn and soda during an animated fantasy movie, which made her laugh and cry, finished a day she’ll never forget. Exhausted, she thanked her husband for a wonderful day. He told her he got the idea from her after one day hearing her sigh and exclaim, “Oh, I wish I were eight again.” So, I thought I would take you out for the day hoping you would return home feeling like a little girl again. Breaking out in laughter she looked her husband in the eye and said, “I meant my dress size!” I don’t know what I’ll do this anniversary but it never seems to be enough to express the thanks for putting up with me another year. Keep trying guys. We’ll get it right some day; we can be so stupid!

[Hebrews 13:4] “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” There is no doubt that God frowns upon the cheating spouse. And, there is no doubt in my mind that it will take more than the forgiving spouse of a repenting adulterer to avoid the wrath of God. It will take the love of Jesus to forgive the adulterer and reconcile ones spirit to God in peace. Is it important to have Jesus in the marriage? Yes! Jesus, God’s Word, (John 1: 1-5; 10-14) is the disciplined love that brightly shines in the marriage and in the home. The Word of God has not been given to us merely for our enjoyment, but to furnish us with life. As blessed as God’s Word is, Jesus said to the twelve, “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them” (John 13:17). “If you obey my commands you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love” (John 15:10). “A Happy Marriage Takes Three” by J. Morse. “Most people think a marriage is, a partnership of two; But these little words of wisdom, I will relate to you. The happiness of marriages, Has another partner near; Who can handle every storm of life, And make problems disappear. He’s the guide along life’s pathway, He’s the glue that bonds with love; He’s the one that makes a dream come true, And sends blessings from above. This partner’s name is Jesus, Always trust him and you will see; Marriages are sweeter, in a partnership of three.”

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