Most New Year’s resolutions contain some sort of serious change in ones life. I did exactly that many years ago, without regret. I don’t know where you are in life and I certainly can’t solve your problems for you, but I can witness from my own annals.
Drugs and Alcohol from “A” to “Z”: The evil of drugs and alcohol Arms more villains, Breaks more laws, Corrupts more officials, Destroys more homes, Engulfs more fortunes, Fills more jails, Grows more gray hairs, Harrows more hearts, Incites more crimes, Jeopardizes more lives, Kindles more strife, Lacerates more feelings, Maims more bodies, Nails down more coffins, Opens more graves, Places more feet on a downward path, Quenches more hopes, Raises more sobs, Sells more virtue, Tells more lies, Undermines more youth, Voids more contracts, Wrecks more men, X-cites more murders, Yields more disgrace and Zeroes more hopes than any other enemy of mankind. The world and its solutions to everyday living can become a veritable destructive force in anyone’s life. I used to depend on worldly fabricated solutions for reducing stress and frustration, but they never really worked. In fact most of the time they amplified a normal solvable situation into an unreasonable discourse. I’m still not perfect, still over express myself at times, but I do it sober and have no one to blame but myself. I once was lost in the sea of regret and remorse, but I have been redeemed.
Now, I know who I am. I am God’s child (John 1:12); I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15); I am united with the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:17); I am bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20); I am a saint [set apart for God] (Ephesians 1:1; Romans 1:7); I am a personal witness for Christ (Mark 5:18-20); I am the salt and light of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14); I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27); I am free forever from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2); I am a citizen of heaven (Ephesians 2:19; Philippians 3:20); I am free from any charge against me (Romans 8:31-34); I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21); I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:18); I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:4-7); I cannot be separated from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39); I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Corinthians 1:21-22); I am assured that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28); I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16); I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12); I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13); I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15:1-5); I am God’s temple (1 Corinthians 3:16); I am complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10); I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-4); I have been justified (Romans 5:1); I am God’s co-worker (1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:1); I am God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10); I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected (Philippians 1:4-6); I have been redeemed and forgiven (Colossians 1:13-14); I have been adopted as God’s child (Ephesians 1:5); I belong to God. I am not sinless (Romans 3:23), but all these statements apply to me as an obedient baptized believer in Christ Jesus, my Savior. God loves all who are obedient to His Word and the first step to obedience is found in Acts 2:14-41. If the new year is full of frustration and confusion, put your spirit on a diet. Get away from the worldly temptations sickening your soul. If you don’t find God’s way of living a lot more comfortable, don’t panic; the devil will always take you back. Happy New Year, Y’all.
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