The big push in the world of commerce right now is to sell automobiles, especially the land yacht, gas-guzzlers that the gasoline crisis of the ‘70s was suppose to eradicate. Well, because that push is on, if you’re in the market for a new car or truck there happens to not only be good buys at the top end of the product line but also some great buys at the bottom end. Of course it’s like momma always said, “You only get what you paid for in the long run”, and I’ve always found that to be true. I do a lot of shopping and comparing on the Internet these days, having to conform the best I can to tight budget restraints. It takes a little time but when I get to the very bottom line cheapest price of a product I have to start looking at what sacrifices I have to except and still get the functional product I was looking for in the first place. You know, how many bells and whistles can I do without and still have what I want. Does it have to be gold-plated or silver-plated or chrome-plated or can it be painted and still be the same? Be real careful when shopping on line and read everything twice. You don’t want your product expectations to crumble just because you didn’t order all the bells and whistles you need.
So God asked Adam, “What’s wrong with you lately?” Adam replied, “I’m tired of working so hard. I’m bored with the same old stuff every day and I ain’t got nobody to talk to.” God told Adam he would make him a companion and that it would be a woman. God said, “This person will gather food for you, cook it for you and serve it to you. When you discover clothing she will weekly wash and repair it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will never nag you and will always be the first to admit that she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you want it.” Adam asked God, “What will this woman cost me?” God replied, “An arm and a leg.” Adam thought, and then asked, “What can I get for a rib?” The rest is history.
[Luke 14: 16-33] Please don’t label me a chauvinist pig; it’s just a joke. The point I want to bring out is the same point Jesus was bringing out. In the long run, a man gets what he pays for. Do you truly want eternal life with the creator of all things? Just what are you willing to pay for it? Guess what? You have no choice! There is no employee discount. You can’t buy a ticket online, first-class, coach or economy, not even standby. There’s no salesman to negotiate with as to what you want to do, or don’t want to do, to get to heaven. Jesus says that God has prepared a wonderful place for each and every one of us to live forever. He doesn’t want to hear any excuses from us as to why we can’t get ready to go there. The cost? Be willing to give up everything, even life itself, to the allegiance of Jesus. Do you know there are people in the world today faced with the threat of imprisonment and even death because of their belief that Jesus is the son of the living God, and that He died for the sins of the world? Their belief has brought them to baptism for the forgiveness of their sins and their faith has them prepared for death and a home with God for eternity. Families and friends are separated and even murdered, but their faith is not destroyed. Jesus says that’s the full price. Are you willing to give it all up for a home in heaven? Count the cost. God says you’re either in or you’re out.
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