Still to the disbelief of most, the writing on the wall says a big change in the typical American lifestyle is right around the corner, like it or not. Yet, I hear and read surveys taken that show the American public will fight the impending changes until the bitter end. One survey showed most people aren’t going to change their driving habits until the price of gasoline hits $4.50. I’m afraid we’re going to wake up one morning to find we can’t even afford what’s in the grocery store, let alone afford to fill our vehicles with fuel, long before the price reaches $4.50. People are not looking at the big picture. The price of everything is going to rise along with the price of fuel, because everything we buy, and/or consume, at one time or another rides in a truck. As fuel prices go up, the cost of shipping goes up, hence the purchase price goes up. Stop wasting fuel! Buy less! The price will drop! Change your habits, because there’s coming a morning when you wake up, the whole world is going to be changed, and you won’t understand what happened. And it’s not just our fuel habits that need changing. We have become so selfish our entire existence revolves around “me and my needs”, without ever thinking about others. Our selfish, greedy living is going to bring us to our knees, very soon.
“It’s hard to save money when your neighbors keep buying things you can’t afford.”
[Luke 24: 1-49 & John 20] Much like today, living in a country structured around the principles and oracles of God, the leaders of the Jewish nation, God’s people, had become self-serving and righteous in their own minds. Jesus, the promised one, had come teaching not of law and power, but of love and conscience. Jesus was weakening the grip the Jewish leaders had on the people and saw Jesus as a serious threat to their well-being. They rejected Jesus as the promised one even though His life was fulfilling every prophesy right before their eyes. A great change was coming, but they were willing to fight until the bitter end, even to the point of murdering Jesus, which they accomplished by pressuring the Roman leaders. So, the people listened to their leaders, turning a blind eye to the facts before them, and this is some of what happened. The people decided they would rather have evil around them, Barabbas, rather than peace and tranquility, Jesus. They stood by and watched Jesus go to his death, accused of nothing punishable by death. They witnessed an eclipse of the sun lasting three hours in the mid-day. Earthquakes announced the grief of God as He witnessed the death of His son. The curtain in the Temple ripped from top to bottom exposing the Spirit of God to the world. Religious and righteous people came up out of their grave and conversed with the living. Judas, Jesus’ betrayer, hanged himself in guilt and shame. Peter, the one who first confessed that Jesus was the son of the living God, three times denied even knowing Jesus and was now suffering in personal shame. Then, to top it all off, on the morning of the first day of the week after Jesus’ death, his body was missing. It was the resurrection morning. The morning of great change. So great was the change, time, the calendar, started anew. In the evening of the very day of his resurrection, Jesus came to his disciples to assure them of what had happened and opened their eyes to the scriptures proving that all things had been fulfilled. Another great day of change is coming, one that will end time. Are you preparing for that day when Jesus appears in the Eastern sky?
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