Saturday, December 26, 2009


Do you remember, ten years ago, we were getting all worked up in a froth about whether or not our computer age technology was going to turn on us and turn out the lights? People were storing up water and candles and canned food because rumor was the computers of the world wouldn’t understand the millennium change and would simply throw every bit, or should I say byte, of memory away wanting to start all over again thinking it was the year 1900 instead of the year 2000. The problem was a reality, but behind the scenes, the problem had already been solved. Yes, some companies were cutting the deadline a little close updating computers and mainframes, but we were assured the lights were not going out and sure enough, they didn’t. We look back to see how foolish we were to listen to such rumors, yet they were of great concern and very real to some. We now stand on the threshold of 2010 with a whole new set of rumors and fears to deal with and all the while, we’re looking at the year 2020 with skepticism and wonder. It’s time to make new promises to ourselves concerning what we will and will not do throughout this next year. We often seem to renew several failed promises from the year before to give them one more try, and there’s nothing wrong with that. All the promises we make to our self and to others, of course leans toward improvement in ones self and our relationships with others, these being normal and noble thoughts of growing more mature. I pray for your successes in 2010 and look forward to sharing more of the ups and downs in life as an encouragement to you as we travel “On The Road To Forever” together. We’re not getting any younger, but hopefully a lot wiser.
A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the cave’s he found a canvas bag filled with hardened clay balls. It was as if someone had rolled clay into balls and baked them in the sun. They didn’t look like much, but the man took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time as far out into the water as possible. He thought little about it until one of the clay balls dropped to the ground and cracked open. Inside the man found a beautiful, precious stone. Excited with his find, the man began breaking the remaining balls finding that each contained a precious stone. He found thousands of dollars in the ten or so clay balls he had left, and then it struck him. He had probably thrown fifty or sixty balls into the ocean. Instead of thousands of dollars, he could have taken home tens of thousands of dollars, but for the lack of investigation, he had just thrown it away.
[Psalm 19] In 2010, is there room among the renewal of your mind and body to renew your spirit also? We are of the earth and to the earth we will return one day. Within our earthen clay vessel, there is a precious soul given by God, which will return to God for judgment one day. How many precious souls do you figure were thrown into hell last year? God’s Word can bring every precious soul out of the clay. I’ve never seen a person truly change for the better without first changing on the inside, spiritually. With God’s Word in my heart and doing God’s Will daily, though I am growing old and wasting away, I am renewed inwardly day by day. (2 Corinthians 4:16) Look to God’s Word for ways to keep on improving and growing in Christ. Each new year should be met with some spiritual resolutions. Be of good cheer. Have a happy spiritual New Year.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Who's That?

Throughout the centuries, many men and women have lived nearly anonymously even though they literally changed the world with their scientific discoveries and inventions. For instance, if I said Nikola Tesla, except for a very few people I know, I would be willing to bet you have absolutely no idea who this person was even though he had changed the world in the late 1800’s. Born 1856, in what we know today as Croatia, Tesla was an educated mechanical and electrical engineer. Working throughout Europe as a young man Tesla came to America in 1884 to work with the world renowned Thomas Edison. A former employer wrote to Edison, “I know two great men and you are one of them; the other is this young man.” At the Edison Machine Works, Tesla began with simple electrical engineering projects and soon progressed to solving the company’s most difficult problems. Edison had promised Tesla $50,000 if he could redesign Edison’s inefficient DC motors and generators, making an improvement in both service and economy. Tesla did just that, but never received the money. The history of Tesla is long and involved, but after leaving Edison, he went on to patent hundreds of inventions, which we still use today. Tesla is responsible for the use of alternating current throughout the world instead of direct current and batteries, the first form of commercial electricity. You can thank Nikola Tesla for the now common AC electric motor, which helped to usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. You can credit him for the better light bulb, florescent lighting, the first electric cars, a few weapons of destruction, the modern medical x-ray tube, all forms of transmitting electrical power used today and radio. Yes, Tesla, not Marconi, built the first radio transmitter and receiver along with the frequency oscillator, the knob you turn to change channels. There are statues and museums dedicated to Tesla, yet he is an unknown person.
While walking in the park with her grandmother, a four-year-old picked something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. Granny took the item away from her and asked her not to do that. The little girl asked her “Why?” and grandma explained it was dirty and probably had germs on it. The girl looked at her grandmother with total admiration and asked, “Grandma, how do you know all this stuff? You’re so smart.” “All grandmas know this stuff. It’s on the Grandma Test. You have to know or you can’t be a grandma.” They walked a little in silence, then the young one had an insight, “Oh, I get it! If you don’t pass the test, you get to be a grandpa.” “Exactly”, replied grandma.
[Luke 1: 26-33] Tesla is basically unknown, yet we use what he gave us every day without thinking or giving him glory. Jesus also changed the world. Jesus is well known for all he gave us, yet we refuse to use most of it. “Well, it’s the spirit thing. I just can’t get my hand on it to understand it.” Okay. When was the last time you put your hand on electricity? You can feel it, yet can’t see it. Do you not respect it, understand it and use it all the time? When was the last time you felt guilty, or experienced heartache of loss and sorrow? You can feel your spirit even though you can’t see it. When was the last time you begged the favor of God, because nobody else could possibly understand? It is because of Jesus that we have been reconciled to God (Romans 5: 1-11) and man can once again walk and talk with God every day. Don’t worship the statue and ignore the love.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Perfection Does Not Exist

As an automobile mechanic for many years, I had seen the good, the bad and the ugly of owners and how they treated their vehicles. Some people can drive a vehicle for years and it still looks nearly showroom new. Most people will own a vehicle only a couple of years, use it hard, but keep it mechanically sound and reliable. Then there are some people who can tear up a brand new automobile in as little as one year. They are also the same people who call it a piece of junk blaming the manufacturer for not making it indestructible. As for me, a vehicle becomes like a good comfortable pair of shoes and I probably put too much time and money in an automobile. My average relationship with my daily transportation is about ten years and I like the challenges that come with maintaining a vehicle that long, most of the time. I really haven’t turned a wrench on my present vehicle for some time until I decided to change the engine water pump, which by the way had been leaking for several weeks. I knew the job wouldn’t be simple, it seems nothing on transverse engines is. To make a long story short, it takes several hours to complete the job at hand and believe me it also takes patience. Why? Because this is also one job I don’t want to do over again. On top of a little frustration that naturally comes with mechanical repairs, my work area is open to the elements on one side and the weather turned sour with cold temps and light rain, which tends to chill one to the bone. That’s when I find it hard to keep a good attitude about what I’m doing. However, perseverance is a very healthy trait to have and the vision to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” can overshadow weariness and doubt. I got the job done with no leaks, no drips and no errors. When I spend two days fixing my vehicle I also realize the blessing of being a two-car family, but my wife’s car fits me like new shoes I need to wear a while to break in, know what I mean? It feels good to be back in my own vehicle.
A friend asked a gentleman how it is he never married. “Well, I guess I never met the right woman,” replied the gentleman. “I guess I’ve been looking for the perfect woman.” “Oh come on now,” said the friend, “surely you’ve met at least one girl that you wanted to marry.” “Yes, there was one girl, probably the only perfect girl I ever met,” he admitted. “She was just the right everything. I really mean she was the perfect girl for me.” “Well, why didn’t you marry her then,” asked the friend? “I suppose it’s because she was looking for the perfect man”, he confessed.
[Romans 12} “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” This is the time of year when many people contemplate the possibility of, “getting right with God”. I applaud you if you are considering taking on this effort to maintain a better lifestyle. Please don’t attach the amendment, “as soon as I get my life straightened out”, to your declaration. God is not seeking perfect people to save. God is seeking the broken-hearted sinner. You are not perfect and you never will be in this life. I’d be a liar if I told you all your problems are going to melt away, but I can tell you with confidence, Jesus is the light at the end of the tunnel and God’s Word, the Bible, is our guide to the finish line. A righteous life is not maintenance free, but perseverance will keep you spiritually healthy, forever. It’s faith in God’s love that is life changing.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Bride

If you know me very well you’ll know I’m not what you would call a celebrant of life. What I mean is, I don’t get all gooey over birthdays and anniversaries or Christmas or any of that stuff. I’m not really a “bah-hum-bug”, I just don’t place one day above another. Well, November and December are full of celebrate days for me, which, if I don’t watch out, I’ll smoke right on by some of them without thinking. Of course there’s Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Eve. The big meal I can do without, the decorating and un-decorating isn’t my thing and, believe it or not, I never made it a habit to party on New Years Eve. Now, there’s the fact that my wife’s birthday is in November and our wedding anniversary is in December, which keeps me on my toes remembering to celebrate two important days of the love in my life. Guy’s know what can happen if you forget those two days. Playing dumb doesn’t work here.
A guy walked into his friend’s office to find him sitting at his desk looking very depressed. “Hey, what’s up with you?” he asked. “Oh, it’s my wife”, the man replied. “She insisted on hiring my new secretary”. “That doesn’t sound so bad”, said the friend. “Is she blond or brunette?” “Neither”, he said sadly. “He’s bald.”
Most males don’t seem to get the point, no matter their age. While attending a Marriage Seminar, during a session dealing with communication, Joe and his wife Joyce listened to the instructor say, “It is essential that husbands and wives know each others likes and dislikes.” The instructor then hypothetically asked the men, “For instance, can you name your wife’s favorite flower?” Joe leaned toward Joyce touched her arm gently and whispered, “It’s Pillsbury, isn’t it?” A small boy, looking at his mother and father’s wedding pictures asked, “Dad, is this the day Mom came to work for us?”
A married couple was walking down the street and when they came to a mud puddle they just sort of clumsily negotiated around it. She looked at him and stated that he wasn’t as gallant as he was when she was a girl. He looked her in the eye with a grin on his face and told her she wasn’t as buoyant as she was when he was a boy.
Then there was the husband, the owner of a new car, who was somewhat reluctant to allow his wife to drive his prized possession, even to the grocery store just a few blocks away. Eventually he gave in, cautioning her as she was about to leave, “Remember, if you have an accident, the newspaper will print your age.”
He asked, “Will you love me when I’m old and feeble?” She said, “Of course I do.”
[Revelation 21] I’m not the perfect husband and I don’t think any man can claim to be. Neither is there a perfect wife, child or home, hence we will never live in a perfect community or warless world. A man in love gives his all to his bride and a woman in love strives to be pure and beautiful for her man. The bride of Christ is the church. John was shown the church by an angel as a beautiful city built with precious stones, gems and jewels. God, our creator and Jesus, the power of God, are the temple of the city (church) and the baptized obedient believers of the church worship there. The glory of God shines brightly in the city and Jesus is the truth bearer, the ruler, the head of the city (church). Are you a citizen of the Holy City, the church? Are you the bride awaiting her groom to arrive, the second coming of Christ? Is your name written in the Book of Life?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blessing Your Problems

It’s that time of the year when we aim to please and if we fall short of our goal, we tend to come down really hard on ourselves. It’s unfortunate, but I’ve seen people who think that the only way to enjoy a good holiday season is to make it bigger and better than the year before. Thanksgiving dinners and holiday parties, in some cases, have become an internal family competition rather than a celebration, stirring up harsh emotions rather than cheerful joys. I think this year has opened the eyes of most families knowing that, like any marathon competitor, the “wall” has been hit and from here on all you can do is the best you can do. A lot of disappointment will be realized, with the shortfall of funds, to travel and lacking the ability to entertain, as they might like. This is all good though, because we’re all extremely thankful for all that we do have, right?
The preacher decided that a demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday morning sermon. Four worms were placed into four different containers. The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was placed in a container of chocolate syrup. The forth worm was put in a container of good clean damp soil. At the conclusion of his lesson, the preacher reported the following observation: The first worm in alcohol, dead; The second worm in cigarette smoke, dead; The third worm in chocolate syrup, dead; The forth worm in good clean soil, Alive! The preacher unwittingly asked the congregation, “What can we learn from this demonstration?” A little old lady in the middle of the audience raised her hand and said, “As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate you won’t have worms!”
Daniel Defoe gave some good advice through his fictitious character Robinson Crusoe. The first thing Crusoe did when he found himself on a deserted island was to make out a list. On one side of the list, he wrote down all his problems. On the other side of the list, he wrote down all his blessings. On one side, he wrote: I don’t have any clothes. On the other side, he wrote: But it’s warm and I don’t really need any. On one side, he wrote: All of my provisions were lost. Opposite he wrote: But there is plenty of fresh fruit and water on this island. And on down the list he went. In this fashion, he discovered that for every negative aspect about his situation, there was a positive aspect, something to be thankful for.
[Psalm 30] Are you on the island of despair? Perhaps it’s time to take inventory of your blessings and turn your depressed state into an expression of thanks. And some of us may be long overdue in expressing our thanks to God. The prophet Samuel called David, a man after God’s own heart. (1 Samuel 13:14) No matter what the earthly circumstance David found himself in, he could make a list of his troubles and counter them with a list of blessings, of which he gave all the glory to God, whom he trusted and loved with all his being. We should take to heart the examples recorded for us about the life of David and his relationship with God. When facing the giants of life, is it better for me to attack with the armor of man, or the armor of God? When I have strayed from that, which I know is right and have done wrong, is it better to make excuses to men or confess to God and beg His forgiveness? Stop looking at all the depressing problems of life and take an inventory of your blessings. Give God the glory and worries fade away.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Coincidence / Providence?

I can’t count the times I’ve been asked if I have a fax machine in my office and I’ve always had to say no. That’s weird because I’ve always had a fax at home and offer it to anyone who wants to transmit some paperwork. Most people just said, “Oh, never mind. I don’t want to put you out” and it seems all the “It’s no trouble at all” pleas couldn’t change the mind of most people. I understand the comfort of the office verses a private home atmosphere. Well, I’m seriously thinking of dumping my solicitor infected telephone landlines, so considered donating my fax to the office, seeing the need. Just when I thought I was going to contribute to the cause in walks a complete stranger with an all-in-one copier/scanner/fax machine and asked if I could use it. You could have floored me with a feather, but of course, typically human, in the back of my mind I’m thinking, “Yeh, probably like the rest of the stuff donated around here, it’s most likely worn out or only half works”. Of course I accepted the machine with a smile and “thank-you”. First thing I find no owners manual or installation DVD. No problem I can get all that online. I plug it in and everything seems to work fine, but what about the fax? I was pleasantly surprised the machine works great and the answer to a prayer. The gentleman even returned several days later with the manual and the install DVD. I just never know what any given day might bring forth, some good, some disappointing, some surprising.
Did you hear about the elderly woman who went to the dentist to have her false teeth adjusted for the fifth time? “Well”, said the dentist “I’ll do it again this time, but no more. I see no reason these shouldn’t fit your mouth perfectly and comfortably.” “Who said anything about my mouth”? she answered. “They don’t fit in the glass!”
A group of expectant fathers were in a waiting room while their wives were in the process of delivering babies. A nurse came in and announced to one man that his wife had just given birth to twins. “That’s quit a coincidence,” he responded. “I play for the Minnesota Twins!” A few minutes later a nurse came in and announced to another man he was the father of triplets. “That’s amazing”, he exclaimed. “I work for the 3M Company!” About that time a young soon-to-be father fell faint against the wall. When asked if he was okay he answered, “I’m not sure; I work for the 7-UP Company.”
[Romans 5: 1-11] Most people live in a world of “coincidence”, that is things just seem to happen at the same time without any apparent connection to each other. It’s a coincidence when you meet someone you know while on vacation miles from home. It’s a coincidence when two people, not paying attention to their driving, meet in the middle of the same intersection. Two happenstances “coincide”, occupying the same space at the same time. Coincidental living is generally shrouded in mystery and wonderment. Through the wisdom and understanding of God’s Word, I, and most mature Christians, live a life of “providence”, foresight, prudence, with God’s care and protection. For me, “things” don’t just happen. My God, the God of the Bible, is alive and active in my life. I am exactly where He wants me to be and doing exactly what He wants me to be doing and I believe this trend will continue as long as I live according to His will. The fax machine was not a coincidence, but God active in my life. How many times does God have to show himself to you, before you start giving Him credit for the wonders of life?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do You Smell Smoke?

Are we getting so multi-tasking preoccupied we can’t even think anymore? An automobile manufacturer is having a problem with the driver’s side floor-mat, weaseling its way up under the accelerator pedal, entangling itself in the works, placing the vehicle into a full throttle run-away. You noticed I didn’t say, an out of control, run-away. I can imagine the panic, while tooling down the highway in cruse control, the vehicle all of a sudden begins to accelerate for no apparent reason. You sit up taking notice of the situation, not knowing you just pushed the culprit floor-mat even further into the pedal causing the vehicle to go even faster, thinking, “…what’s happening here?” Some people simply panic and crash. Calmer heads will rationalize the cruse control is going berserk and will turn it off, thinking that will solve the problem, but it doesn’t, because the pedal is jammed to the floor, so they panic and crash. It takes a clear mind to flash forward to the ultimate solution of simply shutting off the engine to save the day. Duh!
A young and stupid pilot wanted to sound cool on the aviation frequencies. This one time he was approaching the landing field during the nighttime. Instead of making any official requests to the tower he simply said, “Guess who?” The ground controller of the field turned off the runway lights and replied, “Guess where?”
In the Victorian theater, it was not uncommon for just one actor to embrace the stage and simply quote the writings of philosophers, well-known authors or a few self-composed sonnets. Some of these actors were well known and respected for their work. Just as one such actor was about to take the stage, an employee of the theater stopped him and explained there was a fire in the building and an evacuation was in order. The actor was asked to inform the audience in a calm manor, as to not cause any panic, asking them to evacuate the building immediately. The actor presented himself before the audience, receiving a grand applause, and informed them of the impending danger urging them to proceed in an orderly manor to the exits for their safety. When he had finished there was dead silence in the theater. Then one patron stood and began to clap his hands for the performance of the actor followed by a standing ovation from the rest of the audience. Never knowing what the well-know actor might present when he took the stage, no one heard the message of impending doom, until they smelled the smoke.
[2 Peter 3] Am I so busy today, preoccupied with being politically correct and making everyone comfortable, I’ve forgotten the message? Am I so busy satisfying my physical wants and needs I’m neglecting my spiritual life? Has worship become so mundane it has become a ritual? Have I become a paid patron in the worship assembly? Have I come to worship just to see the show? Am I receiving the Word of God as an act from the pulpit, from an actor on stage? The message from the pulpit is one of doom and hope. It’s not an act! Jesus has delivered a message for all to hear. The end is near and total destruction is coming. However, there is a way of escape. Anyone can be saved from the fires of hell through obedience to God’s Word. Are you listening to what’s being preached and taking it seriously? I can guarantee you one thing. If you continue to satisfy your “itching ears” (2 Timothy 4: 1-5) and ignore the commands of God, when you smell the smoke it’s going to be too late. This run-away world cannot save you!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Too Quiet Silent Majority

To desensitize something is to remove or reduce its sensitivity. We’ve seen a lot of that in our society over the past twenty years and most people haven’t even recognized it. In the state of Texas, such things as pari-mutuel track betting on horses and the state lottery were very sensitive issues when first proposed. It took several years for each to become a part of society through a positive public vote. How did this happen? Because, those wanting to see it happen simply kept telling the public how good a thing they were passing up. Okay, so what happened as soon as each of these proposals passed the public “yes” vote? Big contrives cropped up about money. Who gets paid what and exactly where is all this money going once the state gets its hands on it? The Fed does the same thing all the time. Issues are desensitized just enough to get the votes it takes to pass laws, good or bad, for the general population, as long as a few more “good buddies” are made, everything’s going to be fine, not to worry. I’m happy to see some of the desensitizing isn’t working as apparent in the national vote this month. The voices of the people were heard loud and clear on several issues and I for one am happy to see it.
Could we learn something from the now defunct USSR? Known once again as Russia, the government officials are hard at work ridding the country of the things that brought it under the control of socialist. A headline seen not long ago stated, “Russia Bans All Gambling And Shuts Casinos” Why did they do it? Moscow deputy mayor, Sergei Baidakov, said the ban was “to protect the health of society”. Even some of the addicted gamblers thought the ban might help them. “Maybe this is all a good thing. I’m a family man and come here every day and lose all my money. I’ll be happy to see them (casinos) go”’ said a 40-year-old Muscovite. Not long after that, another headline appeared, “Religion Will Return To Public Schools In Russia”. It is estimated that only about five percent in that country are “observant believers” in Christianity. So, what has Russia learned that we haven’t? I wonder how long it will be before Russian’s have problems like those in South Carolina. Specialty automobile license plates featuring the words “I Believe” are being challenged in federal court. How long do you think will it be before the USA is known as the ACLUSR (American Civil Liberties Union Social Republic)? In the words of comedian, Yaakov Smirnoff, “What a country!”
“Your dog bit me and I’m going to sue you!” “Never mind”, came the reply. “I’ll give you $100 to settle out of court.” “I’ll take the money”, satisfied but curious, “say, what are you laughing at?” “That’s a counterfeit bill”, said the jokester, “what are you smiling about?” Having to admit defeat, “Your dog bit my wooden leg.”
[Luke 16: 8] “…for the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of light.” The silent majority is being desensitized to a point of defection from the truth. The conservative Christian is scared to open its mouth for what is morally right or wrong in fear of political correctness and is no longer shrewd with their own kind, “children of light” concerning God’s word and righteous living. The church is being desensitized from without and within by those picking apart God’s word to make it more palatable. The church is not a democracy. The laws of righteous living cannot be compromised and expect the same promised blessings too.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Typhoid Mary

I guess by now everyone has heard about the H1N1 “Swine Flu”, and if you haven’t you need to get out from under the rock you’re living. Anyway, I pray you’re taking this illness seriously because you could be spreading it around without even knowing it. Everyone needs to be very hygiene conscience during this flu season, not only in an attempt to avoid contracting this stuff, but also, to help contain the spreading of germs. The very young and the older members of the human race are at high risk, so wash hands and disinfect commonly handled surfaces often. If you don’t feel well, stay home!
In the summer of 1906, New York banker, Charles Henry Warren rented a summer home on Long Island for a family vacation. On August 27th, one of the Warren daughters became ill, diagnosed, typhoid fever. Soon, Mrs. Warren and two maids became ill, followed by the gardener and another Warren daughter. In total, six of the eleven people in the house came down with typhoid fever. Commonly spread through water and/or food sources, the owners of the house feared they would not be able to rent the property again without first discovering the source of the outbreak. After several investigators had failed, the Thompson’s hired George Soper, a civil engineer with experience in typhoid fever outbreaks. To make a long story short, Soper discovered, a hired cook, Mary Mallon, history records her to be “Typhoid Mary”, had a trail of typhoid outbreaks following her from job to job as a cook. In the wake of her past seven jobs were 22 people infected with the fever, including one young girl who died. Avoiding authorities, insisting she had done nothing wrong, she was finally detained and isolated as a “healthy carrier” of the disease. After two years of isolation and court hearings, demanding her rights, maintaining she was being unfairly held against her will, Mary was released from custody on the promise she would not return to her former employment trade as a domestic cook. She did so promise, but not satisfied with the pay she was receiving as a housekeeper, Mary began cooking again. Five years after Mallon’s release, a hospital in Manhattan suffered a typhoid outbreak. Twenty-five people became ill, two of whom died. Soon, evidence pointed to a newly hired cook, Mrs. Brown, who turned out to be the infamous Mary Mallon. She was confined the rest of her life on North Brother Island, New York. It is known she worked in the hospital there, in a disease laboratory.
[Matthew 18: 1-7] Mary Mallon, aka; Mrs. Brown, knew the facts of her health problem, yet willingly caused pain and death to those around her. We are all spiritually contagious with sin. Our disobedience toward the will of God has made us a “healthy carrier” of eternal death. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Are you one who is knowingly going about through life, infecting others with thought, word and deed that is conflicting to God’s truths, bringing pain and death to those around you? Oh, they may also look as healthy as you, but spiritually, you’re both dead. The risk of death due to sinful infection can be avoided through washing and repentance. Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38) And daily, we must help contain the spread of sin by doing the will of God. (1 John 1:5-10) Are you doing all you can to avoid eternal death? If you died this very day, are you sure you’ll go to heaven?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Titanic Endeavor

I’m afraid the U.S. Financial Titanic, originally christened the U.S. Tax Payer Bailout, has set sail “all ahead, full” into the same waters that crippled it not to long ago. The same financial firms that couldn’t seem to be able to control themselves with their own money have been shoveling your tax dollar into their own pockets as fast as they can, all the while telling the politicians this is good for the economy. President Obama, the designer of this ship, publicized it as “unsinkable” and assigned a crew to manage it with no guidelines of operation. From the minute it was being built in Washington, New York Wall Street “experts”, very much like White Star Lines executives did the Titanic, began promoting the “bail out” as the greatest and grandest thing that could happen to the country in its time of economic stress. All I can say is watch out! Greedy maniacs are piloting this “recovery ship” and there’s not enough lifeboats for everybody, Congress saw to that. I think Wall Street needs to do what the home office of the White Star Lines did. On either side of the front door of their building, big bulletin boards need to be erected, one labeled, “KNOWN TO BE SAVED” and the other, “KNOWN TO BE LOST”, announcing the fate of the companies on board. I hope and pray I’m wrong.
Kids learn early about life. Patrick, age 10 says, “Never trust a dog to watch your food”. Matt, age 12 says, “When you want something expensive, ask your grandma”. Andrew, age 9 warns, “Never smart off to a teacher whose eyes and ears are twitching”. Rosemary, age 7 discovered, “Never try to hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.” Jen, age 8 advises, “Sleep in your clothes so you’ll be dressed in the morning.” Lamar, age 10 warns, “Never flush the toilet when your dad is in the shower.” Carol, age 9 says, “Never ask for anything that costs over five dollars when your parents are doing their income taxes.” Kelly, age 10 concludes, “Never be too full for dessert.” And, Heather, age 16 warns, “Whenever your dad asks, ‘Do you think I’m stupid?’ don’t answer him.”
An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into heaven?” The boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll just run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, ‘For Heaven’s sake, Jimmy, come in or stay out!’” (Were it that easy.)
[1 Peter 2: 11-12] Wouldn’t it be great if we could go online to an internet website that posted, SPIRITUALLY KNOWN TO BE SAVED and SPIRITUALLY KNOWN TO BE LOST? First of all, who’s going to be the judge? The only way I can even come close to judging someone else is to judge myself first. How, you ask? I must measure the thoughts and attitudes of my heart against the Word of God, because that is what will save me or convict me in the end. (Hebrews 4: 12-13) How can I possibly know if I’m in the saved column? If I have been baptized for the forgiveness of my sins (Acts 2:38) I have also received the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me into full Christian maturity. (Romans 8: 1-17) How do I arrive to Christian maturity? Peter tells in 2 Peter 1: 2-11, how every believer must grow in the spirit. Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7: 13-14) Careful; Your voyage through life could be doomed for eternity.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lord Over Master?

It’s very discouraging of late to hear some of the conflicting reports we receive form news reporters and commentators. The H1N1 flu (swine flu) is looming at our door and all the promises of “in time” vaccine inoculations are waning in the gloom of impending disaster. By the time enough vaccine to go around arrives, the flu season will be in full bloom and not much good to anyone. (Just my opinion.) I heard the other day taxpayers might be able to claim their pets and receive a $1500 deduction next year. I guess the money to cover that will come from the farmers and ranchers possibly being taxed for the methane emissions leaking from their cows. The state wants to raise the gasoline tax again to improve and construct more roads. The current tax is more than ample, except the money is being diverted to other pet projects. The country is in deep financial crisis yet the fed has spent three times more money this year than last year at this time. Well, I could rant for ages, but it just seems to me that the responsibilities we have shouldered on our elected “servants” are simply being brushed off onto the floor to be ignored and trampled over. Our politicians are listening to less than 20% of the population because they’re screaming the loudest and the proverbial squeaky wheel gets the grease, right or wrong. American’s better wake up because the world already owns you, monetarily.
Did you hear about the hospital patient who accidently spilled a half-empty glass of water at his bedside? Fearing he might slip on the spill, he asked a nurse’s aide to clean it up for him. The patient didn’t know it, but while hospital policy states that small spills are the responsibility of nurse’s aides, large spills were to be mopped up by the hospital’s housekeeping group. Well, the nurse’s aide decided the spill was a large one, so called the housekeeping department. A housekeeper arrived and declared the spill a small one. An argument ensued. Each claimed it was not their responsibility. The patient listened for a time, then took a pitcher of water from his bed table and poured its contents on the floor. “Is that a big enough puddle for the two of you to decide?” he asked. It was, and that was the end of the argument. How long are you going to sit around and listen to all the petty fussing and feuding before you start acting?
Three old men were in the doctor’s office at the same time for memory testing. The doctor said to the first, “What is three times three?” The old man replied, “274.” The doctor said to the second man, “It’s your turn. What is three times three?” “Tuesday!” replied the man. The doctor says to the third man, “OK, your turn. What’s three times three?” “Nine” says the third man. “That’s great,” says the doctor. “How did you get that?” “Simply” says the third man. “I subtracted 274 from Tuesday.” I’ll bet this is a basic level entry question for a Federal Accounting position. The third answer is correct.
[Philippians 2: 1-11] During the birth of our nation, most of the newly formed states constitutions declared that men running for, or appointed to, state government positions had to be believers of the New Testament of the Bible and living a life worthy of following its principles. Just think, if our elected officials all had the attitude of Christ Jesus, willing to come down off their self-built pedestals to become a servant to the people, how much different this country would be today. How is it that the servant lives better than the master? How can the servant Lord over the Master? Something’s wrong!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Throwing Bricks

Oh no, not again! Our first real north’er blew in the other day, early in the morning, with some hefty wind, followed by some heavy rain. Well, anyway, I’m having coffee with my friends when my cell rings and the screen announcing it’s my wife calling. I know she’s at work where phone calls are prohibited, so right away I think, “This can’t be good”. Sure enough, the wind had caught something and hurled at her car in the parking lot creasing a big dent in the front fender. Now this parking lot and my wife’s automobiles never have mixed well. It seems no matter where she parks, something happens. One time she started parking way out away from the rest of the traffic, getting tired of door dings and people parking so close she could barely get in the car, and low and behold, an eighteen-wheeler turned too sharp and hit it. Oh well, its days like this I’m happy to have the new attitude of “stuff happens” and getting all upset won’t fix it.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids that might dart out from between parked cars when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared, instead, a brick hit the side of his car. He slammed on the brakes and backed his Jag to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver jumped from his car, grabbed the kid standing there, pushed him up against a parked car shouting, “Just what do you think you’re doing? That’s a brand new car and the brick you threw is going to cost me a lot of money! Why did you do that?” The boy was apologetic, “Please, mister …please, I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do. I threw the brick because no one else would stop.” With tears rolling down his cheek the boy pointed to a spot on the other side of the parked car and said, “It’s my brother. He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.” Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his chair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.” Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into his wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. “Thank you and may God bless you”, the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook-up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the car. He kept the dent to remind him of this day.
[Romans 8: 18-35] Are you going through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention? You say no, but take a minute and think about the actions of your spouse, your children, your friends. Are they throwing signals your way trying to get your attention? We all need to get the focus off “me” a little more and start using what we’ve learned in life to benefit others as well as our self. Are you listening when God whispers to your soul or speaks to your heart? When life throws a brick at you, and it hurts real bad, do you blame God or do you go to God for comfort? God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. God loves you!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Bible Survival

Well, if you get up early in the mornings, and have any perception of what’s going on around you just as the sun is lightening the sky, you’ll discover where all that bird-do on your car is coming from. Yes, it’s bird migration time again and if you have a tree in your yard it’s probably full of roosting noisy traveling birds spending the night at your house. Early mornings and evenings, downtown Floresville sounds like a political convention arena or at best the trading floor at Wall Street when somebody is trying to jack up the price of gasoline again. One good thing is that the birds will move on in quick and orderly fashion just as they have done for thousands of years. But, be forewarned, they’ll be back in the spring, heading north for he summer like some of us wish we could do knowing those 100 degree temperatures are sure to following the birds. Yeh, we’ve got a good six months before we have to think about that again, right?
A traveler one night found himself obliged to remain in a small town because of a washout on the railroad caused by heavy rains. He entered a café and said to the waitress, “Looks like the flood out there, doesn’t it?” “The what?” she asked. “The flood”, he replied. Surely you’ve read about Noah and the flood and the ark.” Sternly she said, “Mister, with all this rain, I haven’t seen a newspaper in over three days!”
A young man came to a congregation to try out for the open preacher’s position. He preached a dynamic lesson before the eldership. As soon as it was over the elders talked among themselves, then one of them asked the young man, “Son, where did you get that sermon?” “Out of the Bible”, he replied. “Oh, that’s for sure”, the elder injected “for most of that lesson certainly isn’t in the Bible!”
Francois- Marie Arouet (1694 – 1778) author and philosopher, pen name Voltaire, once stated, “The Bible will be a short lived book.” The years proved Voltaire wrong and the very house in which he lived became a depository for newly printed Bibles awaiting shipping. The Communist dictionary issued by the Soviet State Publishing House describes the Bible as a “collection fantastic legends without scientific support.” Lenin once declared, “I expect to live long enough to attend the funeral of all religion.” Lenin has long since been dead, the Bible and religion has never been more alive. Author and philosopher Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809) stated, “Within fifty years the Bible will be a forgotten book.” But, years later, the very press he used to print this statement was being used to print Bibles. No other book has survived the centuries unaltered, as has the Bible. It has been hated and hounded as no other book down through the ages. It has successfully withstood the attacks of atheism, skepticism, rationalism, pantheism, modernism and its many other enemies.
[Matthew 24:35] Yes, the Bible has had many enemies and will undoubtedly face many more between now and the return of Jesus. The Bible will survive! The message of salvation will never be lost between its covers. It is guarded by the Spirit of God to remain accurate and true to the will of God. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” God has said it and that’s it. God will not change his mind and alter his own word. To change in any way would warrant a “do over” on God’s part. I guess you know it ain’t gonna happen. Believe His Word and live.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Love Of God

We’ve sure had some great weather lately. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been enjoying the cooler temperatures, especially in the early morning hours. And who can complain about the wonderful rains we’ve been receiving? It’s obvious our daylight hours are getting shorter as we watch the sunrise heading south for the winter and it won’t be long, we’ll be messing with the time again. I guess it’s just human nature. We’re never satisfied with what we have and any excuse will do to change the circumstances in our lives, if for no other reason but for the sake of change. We’re not like the rest of nature. We get bored with the mundane daily routine and feel we have to spice things up to exhilarate and stimulate “me”. That’s what sets us apart, isn’t it.
A film crew was on location in the desert. One day an old Indian walked up to the director and said, “Tomorrow, storm.” The next day there was a hailstorm. “This Indian is incredible”, said the director. He instructed his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather for the remainder of the shoot. However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn’t show up for a week. Finally, the director sent for him. “I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow”, explained the director, “and I’m depending on you. What will the weather be like?” The Indian shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t know”, he said, “my radio is broken.” Be careful of what or who impresses you, because when it comes to predicting the future, especially the weather, only hindsight is perfectly clear.
[Hebrews 9: 27-28] Here’s a prediction of life from God’s Word of truth we can all depend on. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” In the 23rd Psalm, David wrote of his dependence on God to help him throughout his life. “The Lord is my shepherd” …Relationship; “I shall not be in want” …Supply; “He makes me lie down in green pastures” …Rest; “He leads me beside quiet waters” …Refreshment; “He restores my soul” …Healing; “He guides me in paths of righteousness” …Guidance; “For His name’s sake” …Purpose; “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” …Testing; “I will fear no evil” …Faithfulness; “For you are with me” …Protection; “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me” …Discipline; “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” …Hope; “You anoint my head with oil” …Consecration; “My cup overflows” …Abundance; “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life” …Blessings; “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord” …Security; “Forever” …Eternal Life! In the song, “The Love Of God” by Fredrick M. Lehman and his daughter, Claudia F. Mays, the last verse testifies to the truth of God. “Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade, To write the love of God above, Would drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky.” If it were not for my proving the truths of God’s word day after day, finding a personal joy in life because of them, I would probably still be on my downward spiral spin into the abyss of eternal damnation. A daily righteous walk with God is far from boring. Try it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Several weeks ago, my siblings and I assembled at our baby sister’s side, knowing her fight with terminal cancer was about to end. Maggie’s goal while in the hospital was to be at home for her remaining days, which she accomplished. The week we spent together was excellent therapy for the totally dysfunctional family we’ve always been. My brother and I returned home knowing we would never see her again in this life, fully well knowing, and expecting, she could depart this life before we deplaned in Texas and California. As I said, that was weeks ago and she surpassed all expected goals we had set for her in our minds. Maggie managed to get out of the house to enjoy the wonders of her great God a couple of times, to be surrounded by and enjoy His creation, if only in her back yard. She insisted on attending a worship service at her congregation one more time and her faithful husband, Brian, saw to it that that happened. My elder sister answered the call last Saturday to be with Maggie in her last hours, as she had promised to do, also becoming a surrogate of sorrow for my brother and me. She passed away in her sleep on last Lord’s Day morning before sunrise. Maggie led a quiet life, but in many ways, she proved repeatedly that anything is possible and everything is worth trying. I don’t think as her siblings we fully understood how loved she and her husband were until her departure from this life. Those whom she left behind paid tribute to her life by the hundreds, as reported via email by our surrogate. The funeral director stopped counting signature book lines at 450, which would most likely put the count of people well over 1000, paying their respects to her family. Her funeral did not go off without a hitch, with stuck doors at the church building harboring their entrance and some unexpected road construction causing a detour on the way to the cemetery. As our surrogate reported, Maggie wasn’t leaving without a lasting impression, the unexpected happenstances injecting a little humor in the solemn proceedings. She is now at rest.
My sister, Carrie, for the past ten years, has been a blessing to the family. She was involved in our parent’s lives when it was hard to be involved. Even in death she was the one willing to tie up all the lose ends without complaint or expectant reward. I think all sibling pods have a “mother image” in one soul and Carrie is ours. I can’t thank her enough, nor would I know how, for exhibiting her unselfish love even when it hurt. She expressed in one email, “I guess this is the only time I don’t understand the Lord. Why would He have her lay there in the shape she is in?” Maybe one day I’ll have a better answer to that question, but for now, all I can feel is that it is for my benefit, to remind me how precious and how short life really is and that every minute counts. Thanks, sis, for being our pillar of strength. I pray for relief on your weary mind and soul.
[James 4: 13-17] James teaches we need to be very careful when we plan for tomorrow for we have no idea what tomorrow may bring. Is it wrong to plan? Not at all. In fact, it would be foolish for one not to plan, simply because we know life isn’t always a bed of roses. Moreover, there’s nothing wrong in planning a comfortable future. However, don’t leave the Lord out of your plans. The day will come, as a thief in the night to steal away all you had planned, leaving you with nothing. Personally, I want the Lord with me when I spend my last breathe. I want to go with Him to my paradise home.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Twenty-Third Channel

Ooooo, what beautiful rains we’ve received. It’s been a long time since its rained any sort of measureable amount. Areas all around us have gotten a lot more rain than we have but the rain itself is a blessing. I could tell it was very much appreciated by everyone locally. How do I know, you ask? Well, I failed to see anyone running to escape the rain and avoid getting wet. Even when I was at the grocery store, nobody was running through the parking lot. In fact, it seemed most people were enjoying the rain walking from their vehicle to the store. I know I didn’t care how wet I got as I strolled from car to store and back again, all the while thanking God for all he blesses me with. I don’t know if we can call this rainy weather pattern a drought breaker or not, that we’ll have to wait on, but the grass and weeds sure have come alive. I think my grass has grown one inch over night and the weeds have shot up six inches. What seemed to be near unrecoverable dead vegetation has been resurrected with waters from heaven, which as we all know is much better than chlorinated well water from the city.
Not to change the subject, but I’m going to anyway, what in the world is happening to television? The whole country just finished spending millions of dollars converting to all digital transmission and reception of television airwaves and here I sit, like so many others, with 200 plus channels and nothing-worthwhile watching, most of the time. If it weren’t for the Discovery channels, car racing and an occasional good team sport match-up, I’d probably dump this whole satellite thing. It’s a shame what the entertainment industry is offering today. I don’t think there’s a program airing that isn’t locked into the “me” syndrome. The only consolation I gain any comfort from is the fact that at least there is still a message that crime has it’s punishment and bad guys do get caught.
I came across a little poem I’ve had for years, which I wish to share, titled, “The Twenty-Third Channel” The TV is my shepherd, my spiritual growth shall want. It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for His name’s sake, because it requireth all my leisure time. It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian because it presenteth so many good shows I must see. It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world and keepeth me from the study of God’s word. It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend worship and doing nothing in the Kingdom of God. Yea, though I live to be one hundred, I shall keep watching my TV as long as it will work, for it is my closest companion. It presenteth entertainment before me and keepeth me from doing important things with my family. It fills my head with ideas, which differ from those presented in the Word of God. Surely, no good thing will come of my life because of so many wasted hours, and I shall dwell in my remorse and bitter memories forever.
[Hebrews 6: 7-8] How much rain is falling on you? What kind of crop are you producing? Is it useful to others? If yes, the Hebrews writer says you will receive blessings from God. However, if what you’re taking into your brain, what you’re educating yourself with, is producing thorns and thistles, worthless to anyone, you’re in danger of being cursed and you could find yourself burned in the end. It always amazes me how productive, even the most dried up person you can think of, can become when the water of life, God’s truth, is applied to a fertile mind. God’s Word is entertaining too.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Golden Rules For Living

It would be an understatement to say I have a tendency to express my opinion now and then. I even have a tendency to, how can I put it, stroke some people’s hair the wrong way? That’s mainly why you won’t find me at “tea parties” or “town hall meetings” or “meet your Representative” type gatherings. And yes, a good reason for me to quit drinking 15 years ago. I’m sort of like that Chihuahua with a Rottwieler attitude. I’m not afraid to speak up for what I feel is right, but I can’t think fast enough to keep the big dogs off my tail, so I stay on the porch and observe from a distance. Now, my opinion about all that’s going on in our Capital has always been pretty simple. I don’t think there’s a person in Washington with a lick of common sense. I think the biggest fear of the American public is that our genius lawmakers will, once again, totally complicate a simple solution to a not so complex problem, to a point, not even they can explain the plan to you. Why couldn’t they simply build on already existing programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and phase those programs out? Oh yeh, the lack of common sense thing keeps getting in the way, along with a ladle full of greed gravy, topped off with an opt out cherry for any plan that’s good for the goose only.
Have you ever heard of the “Golden Rules For Living”? They’re sort of natural common sense. If you open it, close it. If you turn it on, turn it off. If you unlock it, lock it back. If you break it, admit it. If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can. If you borrow it, return it. If you value it, take care of it. If you make a mess, clean it up. If you move it, put it back. If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get permission. If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone. If it’s none of your business, don’t ask questions. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If it will brighten someone’s day, say it. If it will tarnish someone’s reputation, keep it to yourself. If you start a fire, put it out.
During a facts-finding visit to the mental institution, a visitor asked the director what criterion defined whether, or not, a person should be institutionalized. “Well”, the director began, “We fill a bath tub with water, give the person a bucket, a cup and a teaspoon, then instruct them to empty the tub.” “Oh, I get it”, said the visitor, “A normal person would chose the bucket because it’s the biggest.” “No”, replied the director, “A normal person would pull the plug. Would you like a bed near the windows?”
[Proverbs 18] The wisdom in God’s Word shows the truth and love of his teachings for man’s health and well-being. Suppose, in this day and time, the book of Proverbs had just hit the shelves. What do you think the reaction to this book would be? Would it be embraced as common sense logic or outlawed as impossible to attain because it would be offensive to certain people? Probably the latter and that’s exactly what’s happening to the complete works of the Holy Spirit. The Bible and the Constitution are each being picked apart and devoured by the devils vultures. Special interest groups are squawking, “We can’t allow special interest groups in this country, everybody must be equal in thought.” WHAT? Where’s the common sense in that? I see a very bleak future for this country if Christians don’t stand up to be recognized and glorify the God they profess to be emulating. You can’t get into Washington, but you can pray. Prayer is powerful and the will of God is for you and me to live righteously, and pray for others. (John 15: 5-17)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

We've Lost Our Way

I can never remember the day when I was in so much of a hurry to go somewhere or get something done I had put others around me in danger. I believe I’ve practiced safety and respect my whole life, but I’ll bet there were times I didn’t. I guess with age and maturity we naturally tend to slow down, I mean, what’s the hurry? How fast do I want to get to my own funeral? You know what they say about a busy person, “He’ll be late for his own viewing.” Well anyway, have you noticed over the past several years how people don’t have time to stop, even at STOP signs? I remember a driver’s education campaign years ago promoting “defensive driving”. Now maybe I’m being picky here, but normally the defensive team does everything it can to stop the offensive team from reaching its goal, right? So, when I’m driving to the grocery store am I on the defensive team or the offensive team? I tend to think offensive, but it seems lately everyone else is driving defensively attempting to prevent me from reaching my goal, the grocery store. Hey, all I’m saying is red lights and stop sings are what they mean, STOP! It seems the “California Stop”, slow down but don’t relinquish any territory, is epidemic and a lot of drivers are entering intersections with no respect for their fellow travelers. I have recently broken a bad habit, which I think is behind all this. I was a left foot braker, you know, left foot break, right foot accelerator, at the same time. I think that’s why people run stop signs and drive through the front door of their favorite grocery store. Give the brain too many choices at once and bad things are going to happen.
Driving to the office on the interstate one morning, a man looked to his left and there was a woman, pulling past him going about 75 mph, with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner! Before he knew it, she was drifting over into his lane, still working on her make-up. It scared him so badly he dropped his electric shaver, which knocked the doughnut out of his hand. Then in all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car, using his knees against the steering wheel, his cell phone dropped away from his ear and fell into the cup of coffee, which he was holding between his legs. The coffee splashed out burning his thigh and ruining his phone and disconnecting an important call. After telling his story at the office he added, “Stupid women drivers!” Hey! Where’s the love here! Go look in the mirror pal!
[Matthew 9: 35-38] The world, our nation and we as a people, have lost our way. Matthew wrote about Jesus, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” We are harassed by the evil one night and day. Self-satisfaction has become more important than our journey through life as servants to one another in God’s love. Mankind is convinced that a satisfying life is one of wealth and me, me, me. STOP! Look around! What has it all accomplished? All we seem to have done in the past fifty years is push God out of the way because He demands too much thought, energy and time, more well spent on improving life. So, drugs and alcohol and tobacco, free sex and abortion, un-natural lifestyles and out-of-control greed are improvements on life? Life is for learning of the Creator and the will for His creation. God will not put up with our ignoring Him much longer; wasting the life and country, He has given us. Look at world history.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What Are You Sacrificing?

Heads up! It’s getting somewhat dangerous just to walk down the street or work in the yard, that is if you’re around any trees. No. not lightning silly, we haven’t seen any of that in a long time. The severity of the drought has some trees in a survival mode of “limb dropping”. Trees are simply rejecting large limbs literally cutting them off from water and nutrient until they snap off and fall. I’ve noticed a lot of the annual “new growth” on my pecan trees lying on the ground day after day, after being sacrificed to maintain life. Looks like no pecans this year. I can understand the plight of the trees, because rough times have forced me to sacrifice some things in my life in order to survive. It’s only natural I guess, because without sacrifice, life can crumble needlessly.
While President Harry S. Truman was in office, there was an attempt to assassinate him. Endeavoring to protect the President, one of his guards was slain. With deep solemnity and sadness, the President commented, “You can’t understand how a man feels when someone else dies for him.” I would think, after such an experience, that the remainder of life would become very special. After all, without the self-sacrifice of that guard, the President wouldn’t have had those remaining years. Each day would seem very precious, it having been purchased for him by the shedding of another man’s blood.
Recently I’ve been witness to “the other side of the coin”, so to speak. I don’t want to get into a rant here, but there are people in this country who are “cutting off their nose to spite their face”. Professed citizens of this great “Christian” country are out to remove their very heritage, the foundation of liberty, mainly the Christian religion, along with its ethics and moral reasoning, to produce a more “world friendly” society, and it’s slowly being accomplished. But, like the man who is mad at his wife, so he burns down the house, like an idiot, he didn’t realize he was also burning down his own house and all his beloved personal belongings. Removing God from our schools has made our school campuses war zones. Those brought up outside the Bible are now running (ruining) our country. Your grandchildren will probably become nothing more than government robots surviving day by day sacrificing more and more liberties just to survive.
[Deuteronomy 32: 1-47] There are those who argue that not all our forefathers were of the same belief when it comes to Christianity, but I don’t think anyone can prove to me that they weren’t all God fearing. A lot of sacrificing went on for “religious freedom” and the building of a nation for the freedom of religion. Take Christianity away, neutralize it, and the constitution of this country will default. The same is true with the Christian faith. Take away the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and there is no hope for ever being with God in paradise. Jesus sacrificed His life that we might live forever. Here on earth? NO! There is life after death, if not, why live in the first place? Oh yeh, the theory of evolution thing. Do our children know the meaning of theory? Their probably not taught that any more than their taught the real history of our country. Moses told Joshua, “Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you – they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.” One generation away from apostasy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Who You Going To Believe?

I went to the doctor this past Friday for another vocal cord inspection. We had some concern three months ago about one of the cords not functioning as it had been. The doctor also thought he could detect a small spot on it, but felt more that I had strained or overused my voice. Well, he put me on restriction, asking me to not overuse my voice for the next ninety days, and then we would look again. The vocal cord movement is recorded via a camera on a stainless steel tube placed down the throat and preserved on a computer. After the technician completes the recording, then the doctor looks it over. The best thing I can hear from him is, “…amazing”. He is once again happy with what he saw and that makes me happy. My wife went with me this time; she’s always scared for me and doesn’t like to go normally. I told her she needs to hear from the doctor the reassurance he gives me about my future for herself. I’m glad she went this time and I think it helped her to understand I’m in good hands and the future looks bright.
The prognosis of the future is not always accurately predicted. The foresight of some intelligent men can be astoundingly lacking. In 1876, then President Rutherford Hayes said of the telephone: “That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?” In 1946, Darryl F. Zanuck, head of Twentieth Century Fox, said of the television: “People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.” In 1977, Ken Olsen, president of Digital Equipment Corp. said of computers: “There is no reason for an individual to have a computer in their home.” A leading British surgeon, Sir John Erichsen said in 1837: “The abdomen, the chest, and the brain, will be forever shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon.” And then, consider the prognostication from vacuum cleaner manufacturer, Alex Lewyt in 1955: “Nuclear powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality within ten years.” Throughout history man has said, “It can’t be done” only to have time and technology freight train express right past the impossible to produce the unbelievable. The laser scalpel has preserved the use of my voice while fighting the cancer they are afflicted with. Not too many years ago, this was unheard of. We live in a blessed time.
[Proverbs 3: 5-8] “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make you paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Much of our physical problems have been brought about through our own devise. We abuse our bodies to a point of self-destruction and in spite of the physician advising us to change our lifestyle to cure our ailment; we either ignore the advice or insist on another pill to cure the fool. We treat the spirit the same way. God says we can reach the lost with the Gospel, men say it can’t be done. God says the fields are white unto harvest, men say folks won’t listen. God says folks are basically good and will respond to the foolishness of the message preached. Men say that folks are too evil to care about spiritual matters. Who are you going to believe? Men who have often been proven foolish and wrong, or the all-wise, all-knowing God? “My word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) Foolish men don’t understand.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

One Generation Away

My recent visit to Upstate New York to be with my terminally ill sister and siblings, sort of a solemn family reunion, brought to light a lot of changes since I was there last. I added the years to be right at forty and although many things were different, many things remained the same. Landmarks that I could clearly see in my mind didn’t exist any longer and those I expected to never to see again stood as tall and proud as I remembered. The Erie Canal locks system and the river it serves hasn’t changed one bit. The drive-in theater where I watched “2001 A Space Odyssey” in 1968 is still in operation and hasn’t aged a year. The old neighborhoods where I lived and played look the same, but with one dramatically noticeable observation. My sister and I had the same thought at almost the same time. Everything around us seemed much smaller than what we remembered them to be as children. The streets were narrower, the houses closer together and the distances from point A to point B shorter. The unforgettable distinct smells and tastes of my youth are still prevalent everywhere we traveled. Yet, I think no matter how far you travel from home some things never change. Every community has its dirty laundry flapping on the nightly news and every other road is under construction, reconstruction, just finished one or the other or needs one or the other. Automobile drivers perform the same stupid moves, yet roadway courtesy abounds. The one thing I miss most about living in Texas is the forestry of the New England states, which I was in awe of once again as we traveled about. It’s one of those things in life you never seem to notice until its not there anymore, one of those things you take for granted.
[Judges 2: 6-11] My visit to my childhood/adolescent home-place was indeed a heart wrenching experience knowing I may never see my sister again in this life. I also witnessed another odyssey, which brought my spirit low. I saw many large church buildings boarded up, abandoned, no longer in use. I learned some are being used as warehouses and outlet stores, and a few simply fell down due to lack of proper maintenance. “After Joshua had dismissed the Israelites, they went to take possession of the land, each to his own inheritance. The people served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel.” Joshua, servant of the Lord, died at the age of a hundred and ten. “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers (died), another generation grew up, who never knew the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baal’s.” Most of the rest of the book of Judges reads the same. When the people had a God-fearing leader, they walked in the ways of the Lord until they no longer were taught the ways of the Lord. God had to raise up another leader to bring his people back in line. We are only one generation away from default because congregations of the Lord’s people are not teaching the children what Jesus has done for them. God is unable to raise up God-fearing leaders if our young people do not know God and follow His ways. The foundation of the church in America is eroding away, dissolved by ignorance. Our country is losing its freedoms because we no longer seek God-fearing policy makers to lead us, and our government, based on Christian principles, is evil in the eyes of the Lord if we are serving Baal’s.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Running The Race

Sometimes, when it rains, it pours. Locally we wouldn’t complain if we could enjoy a good pouring down rain from the heavens, but when it comes to life, storms of despair aren’t enjoyable at all. I did not write last week, only the second time in nearly ten years, as I was away from home to be with my sister in upstate New York. She is terminally ill, her body ridden with cancer. She and her husband asked the family to unite in her living rather than her death and every one of us are grateful we had the chance to do so. She had unresolved issues plaguing her conscience that only siblings would understand. The four of us bared our souls to one another bringing about a comforting, personal resolution on her part, and a collective sigh of relief. As she lay partially paralyzed with irreversible spinal cord damage from rapidly growing cancer clusters and the return of lung cancer, she was determined to leave the hospital and spend whatever time she had left at home. Her wish was granted, and in the capable hands of her immediate family and Hospice, I saw her last at her home, happy and content. The time she has remaining is very uncertain pressing her siblings and other family members to return to their state’s of abode, California, South Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey and Texas. I was able to tell her I loved her and kiss her good-bye, with a response from her, good for both hearts.
God didn’t put me here to have a good time; He put me here to fight a fight, to hold a battle line. He put me here to help the weak and myself grow strong; He put me here to lend a hand and help the world along. He put me here to say a word of encouragement and cheer; He put me here to sing a song for someone else to hear. He didn’t put me here to whine, stick out my lip and pout; He put me here to do His work and Satan’s evil rout. He didn’t put me here to seek rewards and starry crowns; He put me here to do my part and see that love abounds. So, I’ll just seek to do my part as I travel through these lands, and I will strive to do His will and leave all in His hands.
[1 Corinthians 9: 24-27] Paul compares the Christian life to being in a race. Unlike a physical race where the first runner to the finish line gets a temporal prize and second place is only the first loser, the Christian runs his personal race to get a crown that will last forever. Paul says we must go into strict training, as any good runner does, and run the race in such a way as to get the prize. Running aimlessly in and out of the will of God, satisfying selfish desires and looking for redemption to soothe a guilty conscience, won’t get us to the finish line of life, only a second place of disappointment and death. Solomon wrote: “I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.” (Ecclesiastes 9: 11-12) My sister was once again enjoying life abundantly after surviving lung cancer. Back and hip pain brought her to seek a physicians advise only to find out the end was very near. Physically, we will all come in second; we will all lose in the end. Spiritually, we can all be winners if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Then we can say with Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”

Saturday, July 18, 2009


It is with mixed emotions that I share with my readers the death of my father this passed week at the age of 91. I cannot, nor would I testify for my siblings as to their relationship with our father, but without remorse I can speak for myself. Never lacking emotion in conversation, George would normally work his way into dominating control of nearly any situation he happened upon. This was a very bad habit I inherited and have had a tough time keeping under control for years. I think I’ve seen every emotion under the sun ever expressed by man come forth from my father except the one that eluded him, a true compassionate love. This too has been a learned trait I wrestle with regularly. I know he looked forward to seeing his children successful in the world, but success was based on his understanding of the world, so even I was limited to any thoughts of being praised for what I had ever accomplished. Well, I’m not here to judge his life. I feel I did my best to honor and obey my father during his life, and Lord knows I too could have been a much better father in time past. This is all I have to say about that, for now.
One day a small boy was taking a walk with his father. When they passed an unusual looking truck, he asked, “What’s that daddy?” “I don’t know”, answered the father. Then while passing by a large old warehouse, the boy asked, “What’s in there daddy?” The father answered, “I really don’t know son.” Then they saw a man with a pneumatic hammer breaking up the pavement in the middle of the street. “What’s that man doing daddy”, asked the boy. “I haven’t a clue”, replied the father. After a short while of walking in silence, the boy asked his father, “Daddy, do you mind me asking so many questions?” “Of course not”, replied the father, “how else are you going to learn?”
A man was sitting on a hard, bumpy, elevated piece of rock, fishing. His wife watched him for a while and then commented to their daughter, “Is this the same man who complains every Sunday that the cushioned church pews are too uncomfortable?”
[Genesis 2: 18-24] God arranged it from the beginning that man was to leave his mother and father at an appropriate age to make his own way in the world. Parents are tutors to prepare children for life in the world and a good bit of what they learn is by example. How we handle problems and how we love one another is a learned trait by example. It is said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I say if you can get past the old dog’s routines of life he’ll open up to learning new tricks. I had many bad habits when it came time to leave my parents and I had lots of trouble handling life, though not as bad as others I’ve known. The church has been a redeeming lifestyle for me. It seems every time I get one of those unsavory routines of life out of the way to make room for God’s will in my life a little more of that love-by-example that has eluded me enters into my life. “Father’s, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4 NIV) A man once said he found no use for going to worship for he couldn’t remember what was said in the lesson the next day anyway. He was asked if he could remember what he had for dinner six weeks ago. He said no. He was reminded he probably couldn’t remember all the meals his mother prepared for him, yet he grew into adulthood. Applied early, God’s word can bring a person to maturity in thought and deed, physically and spiritually. No new tricks needed.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'll Take Heaven, Thank-You

Two ninety-year-old women, Rose and Barb, had been friends all of their lives. When it was clear that Rose was dying, Barb visited her every day. One day, in conversation, Barb said, “Rose, we both loved playing women’s softball all our lives, we even played all through High School and College. Please do me one big favor. When you get to Heaven, somehow, you must let me know if there’s women’s softball there.” Rose looked up at Barb from her deathbed and said, “Barb, you’ve been my best friend all my life. If it’s at all possible, I’ll do this favor for you.” A short period passed, then came the day when Rose passed on. At midnight the following Friday, Barb was awaken from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out to her, “Barb! Barb!” “Who is it?” asked Barb, sitting up suddenly. “Who is it? Barb, it’s me, Rose!” “You’re not Rose. Rose just died”, said Barb. “I’m telling you, it’s me, Rose”, insisted the voice. Now fully awake, Barb yelled in excitement, “Rose! Where are you?” “In Heaven”, replied Rose. “I have a lot of good news and a little bad news for you.” “Tell me the good news first”, said Barb. “The good news”, Rose started, “is that there’s softball in heaven. Better yet, all of our old buddies who died before us are here, too. Better than that, we’re all young again. Better still, it’s always springtime, and it never rains or snows. And best of all, we can play softball all we want, and we never get tired.” “That’s fantastic”, said Barb. “It’s beyond my wildest dreams! So, what’s the bad news?” “Oh”, said Rose, matter-of-factly, “You’re scheduled to pitch next Tuesday.”
[Matthew 24: 36-51] We all know that no one will be contacting us from the other side of death to let us know how great heaven is, or how horrible hell is. (Luke 16:19-31) That’s already happened once and we shouldn’t have the need for any further explanation of what to expect after our death. God loves us so much He sent His Son to save us from the second death. That’s sort of verse two of the redemption song. Think about this. If heaven is life eternal, then hell has to be death eternal. Are you willing to lie on your deathbed for eternity, wishing you would just die and end it all, but you’re unable to die? Maybe you’ve never really contemplated that. Existence in Hades, one will find himself all alone, in the darkness, friendless, suffering in agony, forever and ever. (Revelation 21:8) That’s the other side of the coin of eternal life. Existence in Heaven is being in the presence of God. God is love. (1 John 4:8 & 16) God is light. (Revelation 21:23) There will be no more night. (Revelation 22:5) There will be no more death, no pain or agony, no mourning or crying. (Revelation 21:3-4) Why do we have so much trouble and rebellion in the world today? People do not have love; God. People do not believe in a spiritual life. And many who do want to make the spirit something mystical, something that no one can fully understand, so push it aside because it “bugs” them too much. Consequently, they attempt to silence their spiritual side with the pleasures of life. Those who refuse to listen to the calling of God, those who keep trying to bury their beckoning spirit to answer God’s call, will in the end, “…stand before God’s judgment seat. ‘As surely as I live’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God’. So then, each of us will give an account to God” (Romans 14:11-12) “…be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 16:28) Seek God.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's HOT!

“Happy Birthday America!” I guess I don’t have to tell any of the local residents how hot and dry it is around here. But, as my weekly article has no boundaries of circulation, I thought maybe I’d come up with a top ten list of “How To Explain South Texas Heat To A Yankee”. #10 – Your dog has stopped chasing cars, but digs holes all over the yard looking for a cool place to lie. #9 – There’s water running down your back and the hardest work you’re doing is breathing. #8 – Less & less clothing. #7 – The cold water and the hot water in the house is the same temperature. #6 – Everything in the sunshine is too hot to handle, bare handed. #5 – Grass burrs thrive in the hot dry ground, and bedroom carpets. (You find them with your bare feet at two in the morning.) #4 – When you park your car at Wal-Mart, a half a dozen birds swoop down to drink the water dripping from the air conditioner. #3 – When you start your car first thing in the morning the temp gage instantly moves off of cold. #2 – After you start your car you hear a whimpering sound. You discover it’s coming from your GPS system. The poor thing thinks it is in Hades and has no directions to give on how to get out. And the # 1 way I can best explain heat in South Texas is; The thermometer reads 110 in the shade. Needless-to-say, we are in a serious drought situation here and we could use the prayers of everyone for some much-needed rain. It’s too late for the seasonal crops as they are all dried up and dead, but the ranchers are void of water for their cattle and without rain they will be void of hay and other feed. Fire is of great concern right now with hundreds of acres of dry grass ripe to be harvested in flames. Pray it doesn’t happen.
While getting some gardening tools from the shed, a preacher heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly made him wilt in shame. Apparently, his five-year-old son, and his playmates, had found a dead robin. Feeling a proper burial should be performed, they had secured a small box and cotton batting, then dug a hole at the edge of the garden and made ready for the disposal of the deceased. The preacher’s son was chosen to say the appropriate prayer and with sonorous dignity, intoned his version of what he thought he had always heard his father say, “…glory be unto the Faaather, and unto the Sonnnn, and into the hole he goooes.” Kids; Ya’ got to love ‘em.
[2Peter 3: 10-14] The whole point of my writing is to help others discover the meaning of life and the rewards awaiting those who live a righteous life before God. It’s promised in God’s word that a very hot day is coming, without warning. That day will bring an end to all of creation and every soul will enter into an eternal existence. Luke records a story spoken by Jesus about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. (Luke 16: 19-31) Jesus gives us a glimpse of heaven and hell, and the permanent situation souls will find themselves in after their physical death. The rich man had it all and ignored the beggar at his doorstep. The beggar willingly accepted what life brought him. The beggar died and became rich. The rich man died and became a beggar. Are you waiting for concrete confirmation from heaven or hell before you are willing to believe? No new messages are forth coming before the end. What God has given us in His word is clearly enough for everyone to make a decision on where they want to spend eternity. If you don’t believe the Bible, you won’t be convinced, even if someone rises from the dead.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tagging The Church

Well, my faith and trust in humanity slipped another notch this past week. For the life of me, I cannot understand the wanton destructive nature of some people. For example, the application of graffiti and the “tagging” of private and public properties has nothing to do with “art” and more to do with needing attention. This is a major problem in the “big city” and rears its ugly head around our little town every once in awhile. A not yet occupied, new hospital building was “tagged” inside and out last week with a clean-up cost that will take thousands of dollars. Not long ago some individuals decided to run around town breaking store-front windows, I guess just for something to do. They theorize that that is why business owners have insurance and it won’t cost them anything to repair or repaint. Yeh, right. Needless to say, I was cyber attacked last week through my email. What had all the appearances of a legitimate computer update turned out to be a destructive, malicious application, that rendered my hard drive useless. It was designed so well it even got around all the programs designed to protect my computer from this very thing. With the aide of another computer, I did recover most of what was on the disabled hard drive, but the time and property loss has been a burden this past week. I thought I knew better, I had a bad feeling, but I got suckered in, and lost. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I’m on guard, but I’m also a fool, at times.
One payday an employee received an unusually large pay-check. She decided to not say anything about it. The following week her check was for less than the normal amount of her weekly salary and decided to confront her boss about it. Already knowing about the mistake of the previous week, the supervisor inquired, “How come you didn’t say anything when you were overpaid?” Unruffled, the employee replied, “Well, I can overlook one mistake, but not two in a row!”
John’s mother ran into the bedroom when she heard him screaming. She found John’s two-year-old sister pulling the boy’s hair. She worked at gently relaxing the little girl’s grip and said to John, “There, there. She didn’t mean it. She doesn’t know it hurts to pull hair.” Mother was barely out of the room when she heard the little girl screaming. Rushing back in she asked, “What happened?” “Now she knows it hurts!” said John.
[1 Corinthians 3: 1-17 & 2 Corinthians 11: 1-15] The church is not exempt from the wanton destruction of men, both physically and spiritually. Satan is a very crafty being and is able to design programs that look very legitimate on the surface, but when used they can render the truth of God useless. When men enter the church for the sole purpose of bolstering their own name with creeds and edicts of how they think the church ought to be, God is no longer in the church. “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act accordingly to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2: 12-13) The world is listening to worldly men about salvation of the soul and are being misled. God’s word says we should be listening to God, for only He can save the sinful soul. “ out your salvation with fear and trembling”. Should I fear the preacher or God? I must study God’s word to verify what the preacher is teaching me is from God. It’s my salvation.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lambs Follow Sheep

When it comes to fatherhood, I can’t do much boasting. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the best example to follow, but like him, I worked with what I had. I don’t feel to be a total failure as I see children that are wise and productive in the world, and one generation advanced to being better parents to their children. Parenting is one of those things one wishes they could do over, instead, parents have to admit their mistakes to their children and help them to not repeat those same mistakes. Some listen, some don’t, but still, grandchildren are the best. I don’t want to get off on a rant here getting you to feel sorry for me, so whether or not I did right or wrong, father’s, lets take an objective look at fatherhood.
You’re home is “bugged”! Eyes are watching what you do, and ears are listing to everything you say. No dad is perfect. Most of us are far from it. But, in doing our work as father’s, we can be helped if we will honestly answer practical questions like these: If my child treats his or her spouse the same as I treat mine, will they have a good marriage? If my son, someday, prioritizes his fathering responsibilities the same as I do, will my grandchildren have the father they need? If my son or daughter gives spiritual life habits the same attention I do, will his or her spirituality be vital to their family? If my daughter handles debt the same way I do, will her finances be well managed? If my son takes care of his fitness and health just like I do, will he have the energy to be a good dad? Remember: There are no perfect fathers. But, every one of us can be a progressing father ...and humble about our failures. Grandfathers, pass it on, for better fathers .
Not long after putting his son to bed, the father heard a voice coming from his room, “Dad? I need a drink of water.” Not moving from his chair the father replied, “No water after bedtime. Now go to sleep.” A short time latter, “Daaad? Can I please have a drink of water?” Calmly the father answered, “I said no and I mean it, now go to sleep.” Again the little one let his wishes known, “Daaaad? I want a drink of water.” The father went to the bedroom door and sternly spoke to his son, “I told you no. If you drink water now, you’ll have to get out of bed in a little while to go to the bathroom. Now go to sleep or you could end up with a spanking!” The father returned to his chair and his book. A good time had passed and the father felt confident that the spanking warning had settled the matter. Just then a familiar voice rang through the night air, “Daaaaaad? When you come in to spank me, could you pleeeeease bring me a drink of water?”
[Ephesians 6: 4] ‘Twas a sheep not a lamb that strayed away, in the parable that Jesus told, a grown up sheep that had gone astray, from the ninety and nine in the fold. Out on the hillside, out in the cold, ‘twas the sheep the Good Sheppard sought and back to the flock, safe into the fold ‘twas a sheep the Good Sheppard brought. And why for the sheep should we earnestly long, and as earnestly hope and pray? Because there is danger if they go wrong, they will lead the lambs astray. For the lambs will follow the sheep, you know, wherever the sheep may stray. When the sheep go wrong, it won’t be long, till the lambs are as wrong as they. And so with the sheep we earnestly plead, for the sake of the lambs today, if a sheep is lost, what a terrible cost some little lamb will have to pay. The Lamb of God paid a great price, because we don’t listen to our Father.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


We’re told the economy is making a slow but steady recovery and I have to believe it because the price of gas is on the rise. Let it be known the American consumer has an extra dime in his pocket and someone will do their best to get twelve cents from you for something you can’t do without. It seems we’re sort of under that proverbial barrel when it comes to vehicle fuels, electricity, telephone service and several other “necessities” of life simply because we have to accept it from the “only game in town”. Well, we can complain all we want, but let’s be honest here, the greed is on both sides of the fence; “I’ve got it if you want it” and “I don’t care what it costs, I want it, now”.
Being a census year I wonder what our nation statistics will reveal about U.S. This is somewhat of a snapshot of who we were in 1905: The average life expectancy was 47 years. Only 14% of homes in the U.S. had a bathtub and only 8% had a telephone. A three minute phone-call from Denver to New York City cost $11.00. There were only 8,000 cars and 144 miles of paved roadways. The population was 1.4 million people and California was ranked 21st in populous. The average wage was 22 cents an hour and the average worker made between $200 and $400 dollars per year. More than 95% of all births in the U.S. took place at home. Ninety percent of U.S. physicians had no college education. Instead, they attended medical schools deemed substandard by our own government. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower. Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Most women washed their hair once a month using either borax or egg yolks for shampoo. The five leading causes of death in the U.S. at the time were: 1) Pneumonia and influenza, 2) Tuberculosis, 3) Diarrhea, 4) Heart disease, 5) Stroke. The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska were not yet states. The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was 30!! Crossword puzzles, canned beverages and iced tea had yet to be invented. There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Two out of ten U.S. adults couldn’t read or write. Only 6% of all Americans had graduated high school (10th grade). Marijuana, heroin and morphine were all available OTC at the corner drugstore. There were only 230 reported murders in the entire U.S. that year.
Two fellows opened a butcher shop and prospered. Then an evangelist came to town and one of the two butchers was converted. The now Christian butcher tried to convert the other, but to no avail. Then one day he asked, “Why won’t you Charlie?” To which he replied, “Listen Lester, if I get religion also, who’s going to weigh the meat?”
[1 Timothy 6: 3-10] Please, don’t get me wrong here. I’d never turn down a Lottery winning. There’s nothing wrong with being rich. Paul says be careful how you get there and what your doing with your riches. People seem to forget a basic consumer rule. The consumer rules. The consumer is the one who drives the price of goods. Supply and demand still works. Paul continues to teach, in verses 17-19 of this same chapter, that wealthy persons should not put their faith in their money to supply everything, but in God, who will supply their every need. Wealth should be used for good deeds and the wealthy should be generous and willing to share. You can’t take it with you and you’ll leave it to someone, some day. Put it to good use now and God will bless you in the end.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Moving On Up

I went to High School Graduation Friday night, having a grandson in the Class of 2009. It doesn’t seem possible he’s old enough to be taking that next big step in life, but here it is. He has plans to continue his education and nowadays that’s a very wise decision for a young person to make. The business and general employment world is getting harder and harder to negotiate without education beyond High School. Moreover, as fast as the world is progressing technologically, people do well to continue educating themselves, if only becoming familiar with new terms and applications of advanced products, even if you don’t plan on using them in the near future. I don’t very well practice what I preach though. I’ve become totally lost in the whirling regenerative progress of the personal handheld computer/communication devices on the market today. I see no need for them in my life, so I’ve sort of let the technology slip past me. What ever happened to the wall phone? The costs of a simple “land-line” and “snail-mail” keeps going up due to the decline of users making them candidates for a future listing on the endangered species list. Don’t laugh! Take a look at the automakers that outsourced themselves. Next we’ll be teleporting our packages putting UPS & FedEx out of business. I’m still shopping for a used electric flying car, as I was told we would all have by the year 2000. There must be a used one out there somewhere. What?!, You say that’s still comic book fantasy? Well, maybe next year’s model.
A young girl watched, fascinated, as her mother smoothed cold cream on her face. “Why do you do that”, she asked her mother. “To make myself beautiful”, replied the mother. In a minute or two the little girl observed her mother removing the layer of cream from her face with a soft tissue. “What’s the matter?” she asked. “Giving up?”
With graduation over with I guess you know summer is just around the corner and if you plan on traveling anywhere outside the continental U.S. new documentation is mandatory to get back home, without a lot of hassle. Have you ever thought about traveling out of this world? No, not as an astronaut, into space, then returning. I mean moving into the spiritual realm of forever. Let me help you out here with, “A Traveler’s Guide To Heaven”. Accommodations: Arrangements must be made in advance. (John 14:2-4) Passports: Persons will not be permitted entry without proper credentials and having their name already registered with the ruling authority. (Revelation 20:12-14) Departure Time: The exact date of departure has not been announced. Travelers are advised to be prepared to leave at short notice. (1 Corinthians 15:52) Tickets: Your ticket has already been purchased by a friend, Jesus. It should be claimed as soon as possible and it’s promises kept firmly in hand. (John 5:24; Hebrews 5:8-9) Luggage: No luggage what-so-ever can be taken. (1 Timothy 6:7) Air Passage: Everyone will travel by air. (1Thessalonians 4:16-17) Vaccinations/Inoculations: None required. (Revelation 21:1-4) Currency: None will be needed. Your deposited works of love will be redeemed with eternal rewards. (Revelation 22:12) Clothing: A complete and appropriate new wardrobe will be supplied for every traveler. (1 Corinthians 15:50-54) Reservations: Booking is now open. Apply at once before it’s too late. (2 Corinthians 6:2) To learn more, acquire and consult the travelers guide book entitled, “The BIBLE”.